Node.js Postgresql tutorial: Build a simple REST API with Express

A step-by-step guide from start to finish

Geshan Manandhar


Background Image from Unsplash

Node.js can be used efficiently with relational databases like PostgreSQL. In this post about Node.js PostgreSQL tutorial, we are going to build a REST API for Quotes step-by-step using Express Js.

You can read my previous tutorial to try Node.js with MySQL. You should read this guide to use Docker with Node.js, it is also a step-by-step guide. You can, of course, carry on with this Node.js with PostgreSQL tutorial :).

For your convinience, each step has been carved out as a distinct pull reqeust so that you can follow the tutorial with ease.


  1. You have Node.js (preferably Node 14.x) installed and running on your machine (or Node.js running with a docker container).
  2. You are aware of how Node.js generally works and also have a bit of Express Js experience.
  3. Having some knowledge of Git and GitHub will be really useful.
  4. For the database we will use a free database on ElephantSQL, so please register and set up a free PostgreSQL database there. Of course, you should know how a relational database works.
  5. You are able to code using an IDE. I will be…



Geshan Manandhar

Senior Software Engineer, Agile follower. Technologist, Google Developer Expert. Blogging at