Top Node Links of the Week

WebSockets, environment variables, and Node app security 🔐

Za'e Johnson
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2018


A look at some of the top links shared in this week’s issue of Node Weekly.

1 — Awesome Node: 600+ Packages, Resources and Links (Sindre Sorhus)

The definitive, categorized list of Node resources and handy links continues to be updated and has passed 600 items.

2 — Should Node Add WebSocket Support to Core? (Myles Borins)

Node developers are revisiting the idea of adding WebSocket support as a standard part of the official Node distribution. Show your support (or otherwise).

3 — How You Can Use Environment Variables in Node (Burke H✪lland)

What are they? And what are some better ways to handle ‘env’ variables? Burke introduces dotenv, a way to make environment variable management easier, and shows how to use them alongside VS Code.

4 — How Some Node Projects Address Security Challenges (Mike Samuel)

An introduction to the Node.js Security Roadmap, an online book/set of articles of Node-oriented security ideas and advice.

5 — TypeScript Starter 2.0: CLI Tool to Generate New Node Projects (Jason Dreyzehner)

An interactive project generator that sets up a variety of module and tool related defaults (linting, testing) for new Node projects.

6 — GraphQL over REST with Node, Heroku, and Apollo Engine (Sashko Stubailo)

Build and deploy a GraphQL API quickly without rewriting your backend by wrapping REST endpoints using Node and Apollo Server.

7 — npm 5.8.0(-next.0) Released (The npm Blog)

Lots of tweaks and improvements mostly from community contributors. Remember that as a ‘next’ release, this is for testing and development use, not to throw into production ASAP.

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