Top React Links of the Week 💜

Scalable File Structures, Fetch API and Render props

Za'e Johnson
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2018


In honour of React Status’ 100th issue, we’re gonna look at the most popular links from this week 💌

1: react-day-picker: A Flexible Date Picker Component

Giampaolo Bellavite (gp)

No external dependencies. Fully customizable, with ARIA support. There are lots of live examples here.

2: I Created The Exact Same App in React and Vue. Here Are The Differences.

Sunil Sandhu

A developer went through the process of implementing the same app with React and Vue to get a feel for how they differ — if you fancy learning what he did without doing it for yourself, this is a must read.

3: A Scalable File Structure for React and Other Projects

Dan Abramov

The co-author of Redux’s advise on file structure for React apps is surprisingly short and sweet: do what feels right. See:

4: The State of React Native, Five Years In

Ram N

At around five years old, here’s a look at the current state of play for React Native. Upcoming changes are also covered:

5: A Tour of React’s Render Props Pattern

Robin Wieruch

By way of a tutorial focused on building a currency conversion tool you’ll get to learn everything about React’s render prop pattern.

6: Using Data in React with the Fetch API and Axios

Kingsley Silas

As you build React apps, you will run into lots of scenarios where you want to handle data from an API — here’s a look at how.

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