Thankful for another year

2024 Lets Embrace the New Year

A Heartfelt Message of Gratitude, Hope, and Resilience

Krysta Williams
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

As I sit down to write on this beautiful first day of January 2024, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and joy. The arrival of a new year, a new month, a new week, and a new day is truly a blessing that I cannot help but celebrate. It’s a time for reflection, appreciation, and renewed hope for the future.

Looking back on the trials and triumphs of 2023, I am reminded of the incredible journey that I have been on. I faced numerous hurdles, battled sickness, navigated through financial struggles, and encountered unexpected troubles. Yet, through it all, I found the strength to persevere, and for that, I am incredibly grateful. I firmly believe that it is by the grace of God that I stand here today, ready to embrace the possibilities of the year ahead.

In addition to my personal journey, I am also grateful for the growth and connections I have experienced through this platform. When I joined Medium as a way to share my stories, hopes, dreams, and even disappointments, I did so with the intention of adding value to someone's life. I hoped that something I write may one day change someone's life for the better. As I reflect on the past three months of 2023, I am deeply touched to know that 350 individuals have found value in my words and have chosen to join me on this journey. Each and every person who has connected with me has added immeasurable richness to my life, and I am thankful for their presence in ways that words cannot fully express.

As we step into 2024, I am reminded of the importance of cherishing the small things in life. It's often these seemingly insignificant moments that hold the most profound beauty and joy. Whether it's a quiet sunrise, a shared laugh with a loved one, or a simple act of kindness, there is so much to be thankful for each day. Let's make it a point to recognize and appreciate these moments as we strive towards our goals and aspirations for the year ahead.

To all the readers and followers who have joined me on this journey, I extend my heartfelt wishes for a happy new year. Whatever challenges you may face in the coming months, I encourage you to hold onto hope and faith. Remember that with determination, resilience, and the grace of God, you have the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

As we embark on this new chapter together, let’s embrace the spirit of gratitude, joy, and thanksgiving. Here’s to a year filled with love, growth, and countless blessings. Happy New Year, dear readers. Thank you for being a part of my journey, and may this year bring you all the happiness and fulfillment your heart desires.



Krysta Williams

An award-winning author with a passion for storytelling and poetry. My goal is to inspire and empower, aiming to change the world one article at a time.