Its What I am | DailyVee MixUp #0118

Raymond D'ware
DailyVee Mix-Up
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2017
Music by → Luke O’Brien

“ I’m fortunate ta get to do this a lot, a lot of cities a lot of conferences, every year for the last seven or eight years…

This was a super successful talk…D’Rock made a rare appearance on stage…

Some days you have to grind hard through it, through three-four hours of sleep…

It’s very hard it’s lonely, 99 percent don’t succeed its been given a false positions and its dangerous.

Being a media player, producing the content, its creating the honey…the bees come to you. I didn’t realize this about myself until last year when i was raising 150 million dollar fund, and I stopped and i gave 45 million dollars back that i had already raised. Gave it back.

i realized i didn’t like asking for money…I don’t like selling…I know its a very weird thing…but i know why I’m very good at it and it’s because I ‘Don’t Sell’…

I let it come to me.

So when I had to go and say do you wanna give me ten million dollars I’ll invest it and you’ll get…I didn’t like the process…I didn’t like it…Notice how I said I even felt guilt about paying back my parents, my parents…so i was sitting there and was like…wait a minute, if i fail , if i lose this money, I’ma pay everybody back it made no sense ta do it.

I could feel it in my body that if I was ta lose your ten million dollars that I would have HAD TO, from my own feelings…give it back.

The reason I think I am a good person is because I wouldn’t know how to act if I knew i did something bad to him…the thought to go into public and know i did something wrong to him, i don’t have that gear.

I’m political, I’m a sales man, I’m a brander, I’ve got spiel, I smooche…What i dont have is have the ability to do something wrong and make pretend that I didn’t….”

Best of Gary Vaynerchuk

Full Episode #DV234 on Youtube (click)

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Raymond D'ware
DailyVee Mix-Up

Visionary/Creative/Writer: Reverse Engineering Lif3 OUTSIDEthaBOX *Entertainment*Locator*Scout*