DAIR to Share

Educators, researchers, engineers, writers, and everyone involved in AI: DAIR.AI is the platform to share AI research and technologies!

1 min readJul 20, 2018


Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to become the core of all things technology. AI is bringing positive change and transforming lives, bringing opportunities to every corner of the world. Therefore, it’s imperative to communicate AI ideas and research in the most transparent and responsible way so that it’s grounded on principles that benefit all.

DAIR.AI is an initiative and a platform for exploring, discovering, and discussing the most important and pressing issues around artificial intelligence — ethics, ground-breaking research, technology, education, democratization, policies, safety, and much more.

Help us by sharing and telling your experience or personal story of how you are contributing towards responsible AI and the advancement of it more broadly. It can be in the form of an educational post or just your thoughts and opinions over a new research paper. Help to inspire others and passing the torch of intelligence to the upcoming generations.

We are hoping to encourage young and diverse writers, but experienced authors are also more than welcome. Pitch me your story at ellfae@gmail.com or on Twitter and I will gladly get back to you.

We *DAIR* you!

