Dive Deep Into Deep Learning

An online interactive deep learning book.

2 min readApr 3, 2019



The Berkeley Course for 2019 called “Introduction to Deep Learning” has released their official textbook as an online resource. Here are the main features of the online interactive deep learning book:

Executable Jupyter Notebooks

Each section of the online book corresponds to an executable Jupyter notebook. In addition, the website also contains complete code snippets addressing real-world deep learning problems.


Maths and Code

The webpage for each section contains detailed notes, such as equations, code, and figures, on several topics which are carefully organized by topic.

Organization and Discussion

See below for a detailed preview of the table of contents:


The course includes an active forum hosting discussions on related material:


Authors and Contributions

The authors of this impressive online deep learning books are as follows:

Request for contributions is available here.

Video Lectures

In addition to the online notebooks, the course also offers a comprehensive playlist of lecture videos made publicly available on YouTube.

