DeepSuperLearner, Spherical CNNs, Google Semantris, Debater Data, AlterEgo, Text-to-Images GANs, Hate Speech Detection,…

Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018

Welcome to the 11th Issue of the NLP Newsletter! Here is this week’s notable NLP news!

On People…
A great roundup of the talk delivered by Rachel Thomas discussing the accessibility in AI at Stanford — Link

Image credit

Important talk on “Natural Language Understanding: Foundations and State-of-the-Art” — Link

Lila Ibrahim is DeepMind’s new chief operating officer — Link

Emotion Recognition in Context — Link

On Education and Research…
An interesting paper on generating images from scene graphs using graph convolution and GANs — Link

Another interesting research by AI2 on “Scripts to Compositions to Videos” — Link

NLP research discusses the possibility of predicting Twitter user socioeconomic attributes — Link

Paper discusses a novel method for understanding online hate speech — Link

NLP vs NLU: What’s the difference? — Link

On Code and Data…
DeepSuperLearner — an implementation of the deep ensemble methods for classification problems — Link

Dataset release — Recorded Debating Dataset with 60 speeches (audio + ASR & human transcripts) — Link

Building convolutional neural nets (CNNs) in PyTorch — Link

On Industry…
Semantris — word association game powered by NLP and machine learning — Link

Data scientist gives very useful tips on how to build a profile and prepare for the first data science job — Link

AlterEgo transcribe words users “speak silently”; could have major applications in NLP research — Link

Google paper on “Exploring the limits of Language Modeling” — Link

A non-NLP application of word2vec — Link

Quotes of the Day
I had to feature one of these here ;)

Image Credit

Visualizations of the Day
AI Evolution

Image Credit

AlpahGo Zero Cheat Sheet — Link

Worthy Mentions…
Sperichal CNNs — novel method for building convolutional neural networks — Link

Interesting blog post discussing lessons learned in reproducing a deep reinforcement learning paper — Link

Cool blog post discussing ways to make the most out of Jupyter notebooks — Link

If you spot any errors or inaccuracies in this newsletter please open an issue.
Submit a pull request if you would like to add important NLP news here.


