Emotional Chatbot, Detectron, Deep Learning Course, Google Free GPU,…

Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2018

Issue #3 of the NLP Newsletter

On People…
Development on a chatbot that can better understand emotions from conversation — Link

On Code and Data…
Popular deep learning library PyTorch celebrates its 1st anniversary and shares the year of remarkable growth and community response — Link

Detectron — Facebook’s state-of-the-art objection detection — Link

On Education and Research…
A new course on deep learning goes open to the public, which include notes, links, and other resource — Link

A great paper summarizing the current research being done in sentiment analysis, specifically with the use of deep learning— Link

Understanding why Neural networks are important for NLP tasks: implications and thoughts — Link

Transfer Learning for NLP (Guide) — Link

Emotional Chatting Machine: Emotional Conversation Generation with Internal and External Memory — Link

Interesting guide released on using machine learning to solve 90% of NLP problems — Link

Discussion on the implications of Artificial Intelligence in our near future, and whether it will achieve intelligence far superior to human intelligence (Podcast) — Link

On Industry…
Google Colab offers free access to GPUs on their online collaborative notebook service — Link

Google launches Cloud ML, which aims to bring AI services to businesses — Link

Mastercard claims that conversational banking may already be mainstream — Link

Worthy mentions…
AAAI releases results for the first ever research track on AI Ethics and Society — Link

WordVector visualizer for 294 languages using FastText — Link

FakeApp is an application that allows the ability to generate fake porn through face-swapping algorithm powered by deep learning techniques — Link

Facebook brings faster translation services to its platform thanks to multilingual embeddings — Link

The Wild Week in AI (Newsletter) — Link

If you spot any errors or inaccuracies in this newsletter please open an issue.
Submit a pull request if you would like to add important NLP news here.

