Get Flow in Your Writing

Here is how I did it…

2 min readMar 24, 2019


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

As a writer, I have always wondered how to preserve flow in writing. Similar to the rapper, flow determines the coherence and effectiveness of the writer.

I have tried various techniques, such as avoiding distractions and meditation. They don’t work so well for me. Let me share what helped me to improve flow in writing. This technique also works if you are a beginner.

So what I did the last year or so was sit every day for at least ten minutes and practice free writing. Free writing is a technique where you write non-stop for a period of time (typically 10 to 15 minutes) without attention to grammatical errors or writing coherency.

Sounds counter-intuitive right? How can this help to achieve flow in your writing?

The whole idea of free writing is about training yourself to unlock thoughts, connecting them, and effectively convey them using words, all in a rapid fashion. Whether the resulting writeup from the activity makes any sense is irrelevant. The interesting part is how this helps in your real writing.

Free writing helps you to become a faster and more effective writer, all while achieving flow in writing. I don’t understand the science behind this activity but it certainly helps to train your mind to unlock powerful writing abilities.

The result of the training is a feeling that everything in your mind is in sync, which you need when writing with the intention to publish. It’s an amazing feeling! It allows you to express your ideas freely with vigor and emotions. It a powerful state-of-mind. It’s transcending! Give it a try!

