Google Duplex, Sense Embeddings, hyperdoc2vec, CoDraw, Keras CPPN, TFLite, Resume Classification,…

Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2018

Welcome to the 14th Issue of the NLP Newsletter! Here is this week’s notable NLP news!

On People…
Real-time human pose estimation on the browser (PoseNet to Tensorflow.js)- Link

A talk discussing on how to get started with Tensorflow’s high-level APIs — Link

Using NLP to classify resumes using convolutional neural networks — Link

Towards ML fairness using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) — Link

Strategies for optimizing numerical code (slides) — Link

Reading in between sarcastic posts with attention models and deep nets — Link

Learn the basics of creating and operating PyTorch tensor objects — Link

On Education and Research…
Interrogating sentence embeddings about linguistic information (Paper) — Link

Speeding up Tensor contractions with extended BLAS kernels — Link

A very nice comprehensive review of distributed representations — Link

Google releases Google Duplex, a “new technology for conducting natural conversations to carry out “real world” tasks over the phone” — Link

Distributed representations of hypertext documents (hyperdoc2vec) extracted from academic papers for two tasks (i.e., paper classification and citation recommendation) — Link

Summarization for new deep learning course — Link

This paper describes the limitations of unsupervised bilingual dictionary induction that rely on x-lingual embedding models, which is an important topic in machine translation — Link

This work investigates whether incorporating subword information in counting models is effective and how important it may be to learn representations of rare and out-of-vocabulary words — Link

An opinion paper discussing strengths and weaknesses of deep nets — Link

On Code and Data…
Learn the internal architecture of PyTorch with this excellent post by Christian S. Perone Link

Facebook releases dataset, CoDraw, used for training a task that enables collaborative drawing between two agents using natural language understanding from dialog — Link

On Industry…
How AI and NLP algorithms will change healthcare when we start to rely on them for making final decisions — Link

Google io18 event session on TFLite, TensorFlow Extended, TensorFlow Hub & new innovations in TensorFlow Serving — Link

DeepMind’s new paper published in Nature discusses “how grid-like representations in artificial agents enabled shortcuts in virtual environments through vector-based navigation” — Link

Quotes of the day…

Illustrations of the day…
Tensor contractions — Link

Worthy Mentions…
Learn how Google is planning to encourage well-being with the use of technology — Link

Learn about how graph neural nets can help to infer latent relational structure and model multi-agent and physical dynamics — Link

Implementation of a Compositional Pattern Producing Network (CPPN) for extreme learned image compression in Keras 2 — Link

If you spot any errors or inaccuracies in this newsletter please open an issue. Submit a pull request if you would like to add important NLP news here.

