Hyperbolic Attention Networks, Whistle to Music, Graph2Seq, Netflix Research, Intel NLP Tools,…

Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2018

Welcome to the 16th Issue of the NLP Newsletter! Here is this week’s notable NLP news: Philosophical view of word embeddings; Netflix research website; Intel NLP python tools; DeepMind explores dopamine’s role in brain; Emotion flow in books; whistle to music; Hyperbolic attention networks; Graph to sequences; and much more…

On People…

A philosophical view of word embeddings and how they are deeply and linguistically motivated — Link

Modeling the flow of emotions over a book using RNNs (published in NAACL 2018) — Link

AI is harder than you think (opinion piece by Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis) — Link

Facebook AI researchers turn whistles into orchestral music using style transfer — Link

How DeepMind is using AI to explore dopamine’s role in learning — Link

On Education and Research…

How neural models, like LSTM, use context — Link

Hyperbolic attention networks that can match the complexity of data with hierarchical and power-law structure (useful for generalizing neural machine translation tasks) — Link

A step-by-step guide on how to solve 90% of NLP problems — Link

Deep exploration on how deep learning architectures model the compositionality of text sequences — Link

A list of the best free NLP and Machine Learning educational resources — Link

An interesting paper on teaching machines the ability to learn textual/visual relationships — Link

Graph2Seq models graph using graph-based neural network through novel aggregation strategy mechanism — Link

On Code and Data…

1000+ games for reinforcement learning research by OpenAI — Link

A dataset and model for comprehending paragraphs describing processes — Link

How to obtain a good corpus for grammar correction via translation — Link

On Industry…

The race for open source neural machine translation — Link

Netflix announces research website on Medium (discuss research and ML resources) — Link

Hugging Face, NLP-based startup, raises $4M to create emotional intelligent chatbots — Link

Intel open source python library for exploring state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for NLP — Link

Quotes of the week…

On context for understanding linguistic phenomena

Terminology preferences

Rendering effective charts

Illustrations of the week…

Opportunities in linguistics — Source

Worthy Mentions…

Understanding LSTM and its diagrams — Link

The role of AI and NLP in customer experience — Link

If you spot any errors or inaccuracies in this newsletter please comment below. I discuss more about NLP and Deep Learning on Twitter.

