Libratus, OpenAI Five, Common Sense AI, ARNN, Positive AI, WaveNet Stack, DARTS, ROAR,…

Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Welcome to the 19th Issue of the NLP Newsletter! Here is this week’s notable NLP news! Lots of reinforcement learning news, adversarial reprogramming of neural networks, introduction to sound classification, interpretability methods for deep learning, Microsoft and Amazon new dataset releases, $125 million initiative to solve common sense AI, and much more.

On People…

Learn more about Libratus, the world’t best AI-based poker player (overview by The Gradient) — Link

Image source

It is time to stop worrying and love AI instead? — Link

University of Washington professor, Yejin Choinka, to lead $125 million “common sense AI” initiative — Link

Famous language expert, Jeff Elman, dies at 70 — Link

Sam Altman discusses progress in reinforcement learning — Link

Can AI beat human doctors on a sophisticated clinical exam? — Link

CVPR makes public a set of educational material for learning how to properly conduct research and be involved in the community (videos and slides available) — Link

Why scientists are encouraged to have a social media presence — Link

On Education and Research…

A great introduction to how sound classification is done — Link

An introduction on how to use text and NLP techniques to conduct economic research — Link

New benchmark results for the Stanford Tokenizer — Link

Capturing long-range structures in music by stacking WaveNet autoencoders (listen to samples generated here) — Link

Combining domain knowledge and deep learning for conducting sentiment classification — Link

Forcing neural networks to behave as if they were trained on a completely different task (Adversarial Reprogramming of Neural Networks (ARNN)) — Link

Face generation from text — Link

On Code and Data…

DARTS: Differentiable architecture search — an algorithm to efficiently design high-performance convolutional architectures for image classification — Link

On reproducing “World Models” with PyTorch — Link

How deep learning with synthetic data will democratize the tech industry — Link

Amazon releases sales rank dataset for kindle and print books — Link

Remove and Retrain, ROAR, a benchmark that can be used to evaluate the accuracy of interpretability methods of deep learning networks — Link

Microsoft has just released 125 million building footprints in the US as open data — Link

On Industry…

OpenAI Five is the agent trained on reinforcement learning that’s defeating amateur human teams on the complex game of Dota 2 — Link

Disney research reveals a method that automates a learning environment for developing control policies directly on the hardware of a modular legged robot — Link

Quotes of the day…

Source of Tweet

Illustrations of the day…

Explaining backpropagation through a storytelling approach — Link

Worthy Mentions…

All the things you wish you knew before starting to use Tensorflow — Link

Learn more about transformers and how they are used to achieve state of the art results for many NLP tasks — Link

Keras vs PyTorch: Where to Start? — Link

Leveraging knowledge graphs and deep learning for video classification and recommendation — Link

If you spot any errors or inaccuracies in this newsletter please comment below. Submit a pull request if you would like to add important NLP or AI news here.

