Papers Explained 43: GPT
GPT demonstrates that large gains on Natural language understanding tasks can be realized by generative pre-training of a language model on a diverse corpus of unlabeled text, followed by discriminative fine-tuning on each specific task. In contrast to previous approaches, we make use of task-aware input transformations during fine-tuning to achieve effective transfer while requiring minimal changes to the model architecture.
The training procedure consists of two stages. The first stage is learning a high-capacity language model on a large corpus of text. This is followed by a fine-tuning stage, where we adapt the model to a discriminative task with labeled data.
Unsupervised pre-training
Given an unsupervised corpus of tokens U = {u1, . . . , un}, we use a standard language modeling objective to maximize the following likelihood:
where k is the size of the context window, and the conditional probability P is modeled using a neural network with parameters Θ.
Supervised fine-tuning
After pre-training the model, we adapt the parameters to the supervised target task. We assume a labeled dataset C, where each instance consists of a sequence of input tokens, x 1 , . . . , xm, along with a label y. The inputs are passed through our pre-trained model to obtain the final transformer block’s activation h m l , which is then fed into an added linear output layer with parameters Wy to predict y:
This gives us the following objective to maximize:
We additionally found that including language modeling as an auxiliary objective to the fine-tuning helped learning by (a) improving generalization of the supervised model, and (b) accelerating convergence. Specifically, we optimize the following objective (with weight λ):
Overall, the only extra parameters we require during fine-tuning are Wy, and embeddings for delimiter tokens.
Task-specific input transformations
In our experiments, we use a multi-layer Transformer decoder. For some tasks, like text classification, we can directly fine-tune our model as described above. Certain other tasks, like question answering or textual entailment, have structured inputs such as ordered sentence pairs, or triplets of document, question, and answers. Since our pre-trained model was trained on contiguous sequences of text, we require some modifications to apply it to these tasks.
- Textual entailment For entailment tasks, we concatenate the premise p and hypothesis h token sequences, with a delimiter token ($) in between.
- Similarity For similarity tasks, there is no inherent ordering of the two sentences being compared. To reflect this, we modify the input sequence to contain both possible sentence orderings (with a delimiter in between) and process each independently to produce two sequence representations h m l which are added element-wise before being fed into the linear output layer.
- Question Answering and Commonsense Reasoning For these tasks, we are given a context document z, a question q, and a set of possible answers {ak}. We concatenate the document context and question with each possible answer, adding a delimiter token in between to get [z; q; $; ak]. Each of these sequences is processed independently with our model and then normalized via a softmax layer to produce an output distribution over possible answers.
Experiment Setup
Unsupervised pre-training
We use the BooksCorpus dataset for training the language model. It contains over 7,000 unique unpublished books from a variety of genres including Adventure, Fantasy, and Romance. Crucially, it contains long stretches of contiguous text, which allows the generative model to learn to condition on long-range information.
Model specifications
Our model largely follows the original transformer work. We trained a 12-layer decoder-only transformer with masked self-attention heads (768 dimensional states and 12 attention heads). For the position-wise feed-forward networks, we used 3072 dimensional inner states.
Supervised fine-tuning Results
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