Technology and scientific writing for a bigger audience on Medium

Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2019
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

There are a lot of fascinating people looking to tell great technology/scientific related stories on Medium. The fear of starting is mostly due to the potential of not being heard and not because of the writing itself. Here is my story as a part-time technology/scientific writer on this platform.

On Medium, at least on my experience, things move very slowly. The people that are followed by thousands of readers are there because they are consistently writing every single day. It is tough to compete with them.

Medium even admits that young writers are better off writing about niche topics. Although they are right, I have found that there are other strategies you can try to exploit in order to get your articles to reach more people.

Obviously, they want you to put a little more effort as well. In this case, they expect you to share your work with your social networks. But we all know this doesn’t work for the majority of beginners, especially not in technology/science domain. I knew that the minute I started this AI publication.

So what I tried was the following. I focused on five tags related to science/technology since this publication focuses on that. If you quickly look at my profile, you will see that I am a top writer in four of them. It has been hard with other related tags that are saturated with more writers. The point is to focus on those five tags and write high-quality content on a consistent basis. These could be in the form of insights, summaries, storytelling, anything that could be of interest to as big of an audience as possible.

I have achieved the top writer status because I am constantly writing. Almost one article every week. I can’t do the “one article every day” gig. I have other sciency stuff to do. If you become a top writer, then the only way to keep that status is to actually continue writing high-quality content. The main thing is quality. Sounds like an old cliche but that’s the only way that your writing will reach more people. And one more thing, Medium also have human curators which ensure to feature interesting and high-quality articles. I love this part of the platform because it incentivizes me to keep writing interesting content.

The simple strategy above has helped me throughout this time and it has allowed my publication to grow and reach more avid readers. All of this could be because of the type of readers I am targetting but the best part is that I don’t really need to compete with other writers. I can focus on high-quality writing and that’s it. You may find more useful guides online, but this is pretty much how I use Medium to reach thousands of readers. I focus on quality and keep my writing consistent with the science/technology theme.

More technology/science writing tips coming soon. Have a good one!

