TensorboardX, NLP Best Practices, Cirq, Subjectivity in AI, MojiTalk, Seq-to-Seq Debugging, Data Portability,…

Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2018

Welcome to the 22nd Issue of the NLP Newsletter! Here is this week’s notable NLP news! Tensorboard for PyTorch, NLP best practices, Subjectivity in AI, Portability of data, Google’s new RNN, Major issues in NMT, and much more.

On People…

Find out how Google wants to enable the portability of data, which involves giving users full control of their data — Link

An online textbook discussing fairness in machine learning — Link

Should subjectivity be allowed to enter the discourse in the science of the artificial (artificial intelligence and artificial life) — Link

Will NLP change how we communicate in the future? — Link

Companies developing AI sign agreement at IJCAI pledging to avoid development of lethal autonomous weapons — Link

Find out how templates and other forms for documenting patients data can undermine big-data efforts — Link

On Education and Research…

Prodigy releases best practices for NLP projects, which include discussions and guides on how to better carry out your NLP research projects — Link

Delip Rao discusses six major issues in neural machine translation (he also addresses the issues with irresponsible AI reporting) — Link

Check out all the talks given at NAACL 2018 (videos) — Link

Rachel Thomas provide a nice introduction to neural architecture search and why this sub-field has been considered important in making machine learning more accessible — Link

A new study provides suggestions on how to ensure that your company’s AI projects succeed — Link

Learn how to generate neural text using conditional language models — Link

An in-depth analysis of how deep learning is used for sound classification — Link

On Code and Data…

With TensorboardX, now you can use Tensorboard with many other deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, Chainer, MXNet, among others — Link

Reproducible machine learning with PyTorch and Quilt data registry — Link

Code release for MojiTalk which is a system used to generate emotional responses at scale — Link

Listen to a beginner discussing his experience in using tensors with Tensorflow — Link

On Industry…

Google AI research team releases new paper on how an improved version of RNN can be used to improve the accuracy of automatic interpretation of connectomics data — Link

A new study reports that AI will “contribute around $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030” — Link

IBM releases a tool for visually debugging sequence-to-sequence models — Link

Google releases Cirq, an open source tool which enables researchers to write quantum algorithms for quantum processors such as those used for NISQ computers — Link

How AI and NLP can enhance human communication — Link

Find out why the last Sir co-founder has retired from Apple — Link

Quotes of the day…


Worthy Mentions…

A visual guide showing how Decision Trees work — Link

A fun beginner tutorial for NLP — Link

Hal Daume shares his thoughts on why diversity of speakers in conferences matter — Link

How do you transition from being a data analyst to data scientist? — Link

If you spot any errors or inaccuracies in this newsletter please comment below.

