I was lucky. Because I got coronavirus. I became much stronger.

Death is an invention of life. Steve Jobs speech at Stanford was right.

Long story short…

(What happened?)

I and my wife got coronavirus and were in hospital for 3 weeks in Apr.

I was in the middle of fundraising and suspended all investor appointments. High temperature and unstoppable cough happened.

I signed an agreement of using ventilator, ECMO.

My wife cried.

But got out from hospital eventually.

(What happened after?)

  • Steve Jobs said death is invention of life. Stanford speech 2015 was so true.
  • I was totally embarrassed because our business was not contributing to the world enough. Now I made x100 bigger business plan. I became very bold and ambitious.
  • I really want to make $100 B and donate $99.9 B to social impact projects. I was ashamed about not doing this this time.
  • YC said being a cockroach company is important. So true. I became a cockroach. I am managing my company as cockroach style. I am confident about surviving during strong setback like nuclear war.
  • I and CFO worked so hard and closed $0.7 M pre-A round. Luckily Japanese gov launched risk-free debt packages for coronavirus. We took them all. Now our runway is 24months.
  • I really want to solve all human’s obstacles — pandemic, climate change, hate, racism etc. I have an idea to solve them all. I am not interested in small & fancy money making ideas. These are not for me.


I made long blog including my lung X-ray. https://bit.ly/2CzNzYI

(Biological perspective?)

Historically virus made creatures stronger. People need setbacks when evolving.

(Mathematical point of view?)

Arcsine distribution exists. After series of negative events, series of positive events come. (not 100% like this but tend to happen as a probability theory) So we should not lose faith in darkness. You will see the light after series of darkness. Math is truth of the universe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcsine_distribution

(Last message?)

Thank you, Mr.Coronavirus. You are getting me into Y Combinator after trying to kill me.

Email me anytime : dai@jenio.co

Note: This is my post at Y Combinator Startup School forum.

Y Combinator is the world’s biggest accelerator and seed VC.

