With flipping #WomenLedProjects, men will keep on dominating the NFT market.

5 min readApr 24, 2022


From a male dominated world we are living in, nothing changed and maybe won’t regarding a promising “decentralized” dreamworld like web 3, where we could break the bias — but the power is given to those, who have money and who are willing to spend it, to buy in or to invest — these “those” are over 90% men.

I wrote this article “Why we need to support DIVERSITY in web3” and got a lot of feedback, not only the good kind. I read statement like these: “Things have changed. I’m too much focused on things going on inside my bubble. Men are supporting #WomenLedProjects with buying in. Not all men! …” But today I need to come back with an add-on to my words, inspired by my beloved friend Lisi Prem, who is an excellent Future Trends Expert. She simply compared the best known NFT-projects. Have a read here:

Behind #WomenLedProjects

… are always even more women, supporting, investing, paying attention to the needs of the community members and onboarding as many women as possible without excluding men from the party. Through all the projects you will see the same patterns, investment in the community first, taking from the community with minting NFTs second. But still these projects are not worth the same like other blue chips and this is easy to explain: “Women simply do not have the value to buy in at high floor.” So if the target audience is female, you better keep the floor low.

“Women simply do not have the value to buy in at high floor.”

Women use FIAT for their first mints

… and this means, every buy-in is expensive. Regarding the feedback of huge #WomenLedProjects women use for their first mints FIAT. This is referable to a missing opportunity or knowledge to buy ETH at 180$ or less back in the days. Crypto was a boys-club only, not excluding women with intent but also not opening up or sharing this knowledge. Men always knew, power is given to those with money — they just continued the story and built clubs, alpha groups or whatever and sometimes with high abo fees because they are still competing against each other. So every buy in and every mistake, every failed transaction or mint is extremely expensive — 1$ for a man is not the same as for a women, who is still fighting against gender pay gaps or simply has no time while taking care of others.

Flipping vs investing

I’ve been in so many discords the past months, I can’t even count the conversations I had but I remember a few important ones, because I started confronting men with the consequences of their actions. Everything started with men betting on BossBeauties and World of Women. They bought the whole floor and increased it. I haven’t reflected on their actions at this point but then WoW announced WoWGalaxy and everything went crazy. More WoW were bought and floor increased once more because then we knew, you could claim your WoWG for free. I started reading about flipping strategies, about how they will send WoW from wallet to wallet to mint one for free and than I saw this:

And men started to mint at still high price during dutch auction because they new what they were doing and had a lot of ETH left. Everytime I read something like this I confronted them and said: “Do you know that you take away opportunities from women to join web 3?” Mostly I was ignored but some of them just rebuked me with words like “This is the game!” or “You better know the rules!”. This made me angry and also made me realize, the NFT market is not led by voices of Gary V. or other forward-looking influencers, this market is controlled by the alpha groups, the people who made huge amounts of ETH in the past years and who will keep on making hughe amounts in the next years — to be honest, there is no realistic chance for women to reach equality just with buying into NFT-projects.

Becoming a BFF

Luck is never on my side, when I tried to claim my BFF-bracelet it did not work out. At this time I thought, no matter, they will have so much work with onboarding women, I do not need to require their time to fix it and I haven’t felt entitled at all to receive this airdrop “just for watching and learning free of charge”. Everything changed when BFF announced their minting and the required bracelet. I went on Opensea and boooom, the floor went up. I attended every give-away — no chance. Then I jumped back into this “alpha”-chats and saw only men (as far as I could read them through pictures/pseudonyms) discussing how much ETH they expect to gain. AND THIS IS A HUGE BULLSHIT. BFF created a community with opening up a space for women to onboard safely. They do not offer one of these “maybe in the future” shitmaps, they put perks behind everything they did. Owning a bracelet will provide you information, learnings, knowledge, events and the YOU-PFP is even offering more — the perks are just amazing. This project is built for uplifting the whole community, not flipping and these projects should be accessible for women.

It’s not that simple to close this article. I do not want to spread anger but maybe one thought will help: “Check your privileges!” It’s not all about your benefits. If you want to support a project, you better help women onboard and mint instead of covering your flipping vision with an “investing” purpose. This is not a game, for most womxn and discriminated groups it always was and still is a struggle — just to survive. Privilege was not given to them by birth.

Disclaimer: NOTALLMEN.

When you made it here and read through the whole article, I personally want to thank you for your invest of time. I’d love to invite you to get in touch with me or to share your thoughts. You’ll find me here @dajanaeder.eth and as co-founder of wom3n a DAO built to onboard womXn and queer people, to empower them becoming active participants and founders in web3. We are a world wide network of supportive people, mentors, coaches and investors.




turnin‘ words and #leica photography into #NFTart 📸🖤 web 3.0 enthusiast w/ @wom3n.eth creating inclusive metaverse, DAOs & NFTs linktr.ee/dajana.eder