
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2016

Am sharing a few billion dollar ideas here. Before reading though, you need to sign an NDA

I also had the original concept of social networking but Geocities, then Friendster and finally MySpace raced me to it

My current goal is to create a SaaS platform which is Uber for Strollers and AirBnB for Baby Sitting

Our Strategy has been drafted by the best consultants in Kinsey McBain and cannot possibly go wrong

The Annual Business Plan projects a 32% compounded growth month-on-month on currently nil revenues i.e. 1.32¹² x 0

Ideas are great, they are the greatest thing to mean nothing. If ideas were patentable, we would probably be still living in the stone age with Patent Trolls ruling the society.

A unique idea and being the first to market is overrated, you would be hard-pressed to name a company which could maintain a competitive advantage by being first once, it would be even more taxing to find a company which is first again & again and yet successful over an extended period of time.

An “apply success of X in Y Industry” concept is an easy way to generate ideas, but different industries play by different rules and while ideas can be applied, success cannot be ported.

Based on your definition of “Strategy”, it is an excellent tool for setting a destination, a direction or sometimes a path. It acts as a lodestar but does not help you face the perils in your journey.

Financial Projections are a good tactical metric but like Strategy, they do not tell the “How”. Besides, projections are just that — projections; hope, but not yet reality.

There is a simple single process for all great successes, no matter how serendipitous — Execution.

Execution on a daily basis. Execution in an unglamourous, getting hands-dirty, feet-wet kind of way.

  • Execution in daily drudgery, execution inspite of daily surprises
  • Execution of change, execution in change
  • Execution for the larger war, execution inspite of daily battles
  • Execution as an individual, execution as a group
  • Execution with certainty, execution in uncertainty

Coming back to few of those Billion dollar ideas -:

  • 100% clean and cheap energy
  • Vaccine for Malaria
  • Instant delivery of Clean Water for all
  • 1 unit of a Time Machine

Before you pick an idea from here, let’s discuss that NDA….

