
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2017
“The Aces are always more visible and higher ranked than a Jack” said the Manager.

[Continuing our series “ABCs for Managers…”]

“Jack of all trades, Master of none”, said the Wise Guy.

“Jack of all trades, Master of one”, said the Management Guru.

“Jack of all trades, Master of some”, said the overworked CEO.

And the debate between the three raged on……

So you were the best Engineer in your group and hence you were rewarded with a management position of higher pay, better perks AND managing a group of engineers who respect you.

You were the best Sales performer so you were given a larger territory, better bonus, higher commission AND managing a team of sales people.

A great performance by you in heading your product line which you joined fresh out of college and now have been involved in for the last 10 years. You were rewarded with a higher post AND managing a group of unrelated product lines.

The Engineer complained he no longer had time to engineer things. The Sales guy stopped selling. The head of the product line did not have 10 years to understand the new product lines and their industries. Observers called it the Peter Principle.

Managers do not sell. Do not code. Do not do R&D. Do not market a brand.

Managers cease to be the Aces in the deck. Or of any department.

Managers Manage.

Manage What???

Managers Manage Change — the change in regulations, the team member going through a divorce, the new quality requirements, the high Sales targets, the next product feature, the opposing views of gifted people, the unknown future which is always predicted and never happens, the future which is never predicted and hits like bricks.…

The day you decide to become a Manager, the day you accept becoming a Manager, you have to forgo the fact that you had plenty of time to do the one thing you were good at and had time for.

Being a Manager requires one to be ready for just three things:

  • To Manage
  • To Change
  • To Manage Change

You are now ready.

There seemed no end to the debate when the Manager stepped in

“You are right” said the Manager to the Wise Guy. “I am happy when all the Masters are doing their work well and functioning together. I am most successful when I am at the background.”

“I am a Jack of all trades, Master of being a Jack”, said the Manager to the Guru.

Both the Wise Guy and the Guru walked away happily knowing that they were right and had found a supporter.

The now tired but visibly happy CEO heaved a sigh of relief for being the last man standing. “You are promoted”, he said.

“Thank You”, replied Jack.

