Dakuce on the go… Exceptional Trading demands to be fulfilled.

Dakuce Cryptocurrency Exchange
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2018

What is most talked about in the digital world? Cryptocurrency !!!

Since the fad about cryptocurrencies is increasing, the demand for crypto exchanges is also gradually increasing. Whenever you try to research about a crypto exchange, you do not come across just one result. In fact, you are directed to a list of 8–10 exchanges. The reason that the search result doesn’t narrow down to one is that none of the crypto exchanges are ideal, they all do carry one or the other flaws with them which prevent the exchange process to take place smoothly.

An exchange conducted a survey and received stunning responses which clearly indicated that the prevailing exchanges require some drastic modifications. Dakuce is an upcoming cryptocurrency exchange that strives to accomplish customer expectations and resolve popular trading problems.

❇️ A simplistic and user-friendly exchange system
Out of a large number of participants, around 21.5% demanded an easy-to-use exchange interface which brings light to the fact that currently, the exchanges that are being used are complex and tedious to use.

❇️ Crypto Withdrawals — swift and Straight to the user account
Very few crypto exchanges provide the facility of converting crypto to crypto in addition to trading in crypto. Around 29% of the participants demand this feature and Dakuce assures to include it in their system.

❇️ Advanced level of security
A large number of participants among the lot as high as 31.8% demand this feature. Stealing and hacking are the fears that traders dread the most. Hence, an extremely reliable and secure exchange which guarantees trust is the need of time.

However, the objectives discussed above are the requirements demanded by some casual traders. Let us take a look at the expectations of the professional traders.

  1. Backtesting and forward testing, where backtesting is about going back to the past and check the performance of coin based on historical data. Forward testing, also known as paper trading picks a realistic approach. It’s only on paper and you are not doing any actual trading. You can refer to it as a practice test.
  2. Alarm function which will provide the traders with alerts via SMS/email when the coin price fluctuates.
  3. The exchange’s dashboard should be up-to-date with latest updates in the crypto world. It can help traders plan their next step.
  4. An instant messaging feature where the traders can discuss next steps to follow.
  5. A next level security feature involving Face Authenticator and 2FA to prevent security breaches.

Dakuce, an upcoming crypto exchange is making efforts to make its exchange procedure as friendly and smooth as possible, keeping in mind the demands of casual as well as professional traders.

