Guide to Create Eth Wallet Address

Dakuce Cryptocurrency Exchange
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2018
Guide to Create Eth Wallet Address

The number of people involved in cryptocurrency is gradually increasing due to the provision of token sales by ICOs. However, the barrier that the newcomers stumble upon is, participating in the token sale process. Supporting your favourite project through a token sale might seem difficult. Yet, once you gain a glimpse of it, it will be a piece of cake. This article will teach you to create an ERC20 Ether wallet, a step needed to partake in most token sales issued on the Ethereum blockchain.

There are several Ethereum wallets out there, and most of them are fine to handle. Despite that, we suggest MyEtherWallet for those of you who are alien to different wallets. It’s the most user-friendly.

Visit and follow the directions to create your wallet.

1.) Visit

2.) Create your wallet with a secure password. Make sure you save the password somewhere — there is no functionality to revive the

password. We recommend noting it down on a piece of paper in addition to anywhere digital you plan to save it.

3.) Download your Keystore File and save it. This file linked with your password unlocks your wallet. Store your private key somewhere safe. Do not lose it and do not share it with anyone.

4.) On the following page, you’ll need to unlock your wallet to obtain your address. The Keystore File can either be uploaded or just downloaded, or enter in the Private Key which was just saved. You’ll also be advised to provide your password if you use the Keystore option.

5.) Once you’ve unlocked your wallet, you’ll see your account balance and your Ethereum address. Here in the example, we have blurred part of the address. This is your public Ethereum address, which has to be shared (Just to clarify, your public address will be the one that starts with 0x. Do NOT share your private key)

Now you have your Ethereum address.

Steps to transfer from one ETH wallet to another

Online Transaction

Step 1: Once you have your wallet you can now send and receive transactions. All you have to do is upload the private key file you have created through the MyEtherWallet website or mist/geth. Simply click “Send Transaction”, select the type of private key you want to use (Keystore, Json file or Plain text) and click “Select

wallet file”.

Step 2: Select the wallet you want to use. you can check the wallet address the key belongs to, by looking at the file name and adding “0x” in the beginning of the address. Mist wallet private keys are usually stored in .folder. Once you’ve selected the correct private

key, type the password and click “Unlock wallet”

Step 3: Now all you have to do is fill out the Wallet you want to send Ether to, and how much you want to send. Click “Generate transaction” and then “Send transaction”.

Step 4: One last confirmation will appear, click “Yes, I am sure”

Offline Transaction

Step 1: If you want to make a transaction without the need to expose your Private key to an internet connection, you can use MyEtherWallet. Go to “Offline Transaction” and insert the wallet from which you’re sending Ether. Click “Generate Information” and

store the Gas Price and Nounce information.

Step 2: Download the website here and move the files and extract them to an offline computer.

Step 3: Double-click “index.html” and choose “offline transaction”.

The website will look just the online version.

Step 4: Enter the amount of Ether you want to send and the address you want to send it to. Insert the Gas and Nounce previously displayed in Step 1.

Step 5: Upload you keystone file and unlock it with your password.

Step 6: “Click Generate Signed Transaction” and save the data displayed.

Step 7: Now you can broadcast the transaction to the blockchain, by visiting MyEtherWallet on computer with an internet connection, go to “Offline Transaction” again, paste the information and click “Send Transaction”

Step 8: One last confirmation window will appear, click “Yes, I am sure”

