Easier Transfer Method Enables More Accurate and Successful Transactions

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3 min readJul 23, 2020

A digital currency wallet is a tool that everyone who explores the blockchain world will use. It is used to store and manage digital currency and provides the basic financial functions such as creating wallet address, transferring tokens, and querying the transaction history. It is the first thing for whoever wants to experience the digital currency life to download the digital currency wallet and safely keep his digital assets in it.

However, there are various public chains, tokens, and multiple wallet addresses, which is extremely error-prone for newcomers to get started and cause great obstacles to the popularization and use of digital currencies. Especially we need to check every character of the transfer address carefully every time for avoiding errors. Generally, you can scan the QR code or copy to obtain the coin receiving address. It is rare to fill in the wrong address, but there are always some sloppy friends who will make mistakes. For example, in 2019, a user copied the contract address and mistakenly transferred the USDT of Huobi to the BTC address of plus token wallet, resulting in a loss of 730 USDT. In 2020, a user requested help in the r/Ethfinance group on Reddit. He said that he lost 40 ETH because he entered a character of the wallet address incorrectly. It is impossible in most cases to recover the loss. Therefore, it is very important to check the address repeatedly before transferring.

DALICHAIN Wallet is committed to making users’ digital currency life easier. The first step we do is to make the transfer method simpler. You can rise superior to the confusing address:

[Intelligent Transfer Address Detection]

Confused about the various addresses? Don’t worry! DALICHAIN studied 20+ currencies, summarized the address rules, and designed an automatic address detection function. Only when the correct address of the corresponding currency is entered can the transfer operation be completed. After saving the address, you can directly select the one you want in the address book, and you can view the transaction records in the currency interface. Multi-token + address detection, errors would be greatly reduced!

To study and discuss it with us together! Please contact us for more information

Many people feel that it is too complicated to distinguish the basic items such as private keys and transfer addresses. As a promising technology, blockchain should be the simplest and most convenient one brought to everyone, thus they will be interested in its application. Especially after the future release of DCEP, digital asset operation would be almost required, not limited to the wallet. DALICHAIN has been concerned about the development of fiat digital currency and is constantly exploring related technologies to continuously contribute to the development of the digital economy.

In the digital economy era, it is so vital to recognize and protect our wallet. Meanwhile, DALICHAIN Wallet is constantly being optimized. DALICHAIN keeps exploring user needs and making digital currency life easier for everyone. Moves on!




As a public chain, DALICHAIN provides flexible services of blockchain, bringing new opportunities to the industry. Our official website: dalichain.io