10 Facts about Global Tourism Industry

1. Global Tourism Industry is the largest industry with with a global economic contribution of US 7.6 Trillion!

2 min readAug 19, 2018


2. China remains world’s top tourism spender with USD 261B

3. World’s top tourist Destinations are:
France — 84.5 million
USA — 77.5 million
Spain — 68.5 million
China — 56.9 million
Italy — 50.7 million

4. 1/10 jobs are supported by Tourism industry across the world
i.e 9.9% of global employment

5. Among all the cities of the world, Tourists splash highest amount of Cash of USD 28.50B in Dubai

6. Total International Tourist Arrivals in 2016 were 1235 Million

7. Amongst emerging travel hotspots, Osaka in Japan is the world’s fastest growing destination.

8. In 2017, travel and tourism directly supported 118,454,000 jobs i.e 3.8% of total employment

9. Visitor exports generated USD1, 494.2 Billion (6.5% of total exports) in 2017.

10. Travel & Tourism investment in 2017 was USD882.4bn, or 4.5% of total investment.




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