Five Female Rock Stars Leading the Crypto Scene in 2018

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4 min readAug 3, 2018

Earlier this month, Forbes published the first-ever Crypto Rich List, a compilation of the 20 wealthiest people in cryptocurrencies.

So far, so good. This was relevant information for a discerning audience of readers about what could be the biggest-ever revolution in technology; the change of what money is and the emergence of blockchain.

After a while, not so good. Scroll down the list and come to the 20 profile pictures of this Rich List — all of them are men.

Here we go again, you may think. New technology, all dominated by men.

However, that’s not completely true. Women are just as interested in crypto as their chromosome-counterparts and male dominance is likely to be ephemeral.

Here we profile five of the new female rock stars making their mark in crypto. Make a note of their names, they’re only just getting started.

  1. Galia Benartzi, Co-Founder, Bancor
  • Benartzi is a serial technology entrepreneur and heads business development for Bancor, a standard for the creation of Smart Tokens, cryptocurrencies with built-in convertibility directly through their smart contracts.
  • Bancor held one of the most successful ICOs (at the time it was a world record), raising more than $153 million from 10,000 participants in less than three hours. Bancor allows anyone to create their own cryptocurrency and operate it independently of a third party exchange.
  • Benartzi has form in entrepreneurship. Prior to founding Bancor, Galia co-founded Mytopia, the first social gaming company for smartphones, which was later acquired by 888.
  • In 2010, she helped found Particle Code, a cross-platform development technology for mobile applications, which was also later acquired by Appcelerator. Three years later, she moved from Silicon Valley to Tel Aviv to support and invest in Israeli technology as a venture partner at Founders Fund.
  • While there, Galia also launched numerous local currency pilots to model, build and test software for community currencies. Galia has a strong track record of determination, leadership and entrepreneurship, earning her a prominent spot on this list.
  1. Zoe Adamovicz, CEO and Co-Founder, Neufund
  • Adamovicz is the CEO and Co-Founder of Neufund, a community-owned fundraising platform operating on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Through her experience as an entrepreneur and angel investor, the company lets startups, SMBs and established companies legally issue a new concept of asset ownership; so-called ‘tokenized equity’
  • Prior to Neufund, she founded Xyo, a company that re-imagines how people discover apps; as well as Priori Data (app store intelligence) and Concise Software that provides software development and engineering services.
  • As an expert in technology entrepreneurship and venture capital, she has followed the blockchain space closely for several years. She decided to start Neufund when she realized the potential of blockchain for democratizing access to funding and transforming the VC industry.
  1. Hope Liu, Co-Founder and CEO, EximChain
  • Liu is the Co-Founder and CEO of EximChain, a software development company that is focused on supply chain applications.
  • From supplier credit to inventory management, the company helps businesses connect and share information efficiently and securely. The company’s mission is to provide blockchain-enabled tools to transform the global supply chain by integrating SMEs with better transparency.
  • Born in China, Liu spent the first 10 years of her life growing up in a house no larger than 100 Sq. Ft. She was the first member of her family to apply to university, earning a spot at Peking University; China’s most prestigious college.
  • She has a B.A. from Peking University and MBA from MIT. It was at MIT during a Media Lab course where she first learned about blockchain technology its ability to improve supply chain processes.
  • Liu is also the Lab Lead of the North America Blockchain Association and has been working on Eximchain from the MIT Media Lab since 2015.
  1. Rosemary O’Neill, Chief Marketing Officer, Narrative
  • O’Neill is the Chief Marketing Officer of Narrative, which is now launching its blockchain-based social network, where content creators and readers can monitor their own communities and receive revenues from the platform.
  • Before joining Narrative, she co-founded Social Strata, the company behind, a powerful online community platform used by brands such as Bose, Pinterest, and Pepsi.
  • O’Neill has more than 20 years of leadership in the online community space as an entrepreneur, writer, and speaker.
  • The Narrative platform gives users control of the communities they help create; they elect their own moderators, elect a ‘tribunal’ that functions like a Supreme Court and even decide which ads run on the platform.
  • Content management on Narrative is performed by moderators who are elected by the users themselves and all actions on the network are completely transparent.
  1. Ayelet Noff, Founder and Co-CEO, Blonde 2.0
  • Noff is the Founder and Co-CEO of Blonde 2.0, a progressive PR company with offices in Tel Aviv and Boston. Since 2006 the company has helped more than 1,000 technology companies such as Microsoft, Google, Viber spread their respective stories.
  • The company has recently focused on the crypto PR space with a special dedicated unit called (somewhat glibly) BlondeChain. This unit is designed to serve the specific needs of blockchain companies. Blonde 2.0 now works with some of the hottest names in the space and was responsible for a major number of the biggest ICOs of 2017.
  • In 2017, Noff was named by Business Insider as one of the world’s 50 best public relations people in the tech industry and has also been named one of the Startup Nation’s Movers and Shakers on Forbes.

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