How we created our 1st OmniChannel Campaign

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4 min readSep 28, 2018

Our campaign had to solve a multitude of problems. We had diverse communities — One a techie and geeky community and the other a non-tech online savvy community. Then we had a very small budget but needed a big engagement outcome. Our product was still in works, so we did not have live use cases or existing customers. Our team was new and did not have the benefit of experience of running a single campaign.

So here is how we went about creating our first OmniChannel campaign

The Map of Influence

One of the first steps we did was to define the “Map of Influence”. The idea being that we wanted to create a single snapshot of which social media site we will use for our campaign and put them in a single view so that we could easily comprehend what we wanted to do and where our campaign should be present.

Core Customer Cohorts

Then we defined our customers and created two broad profiles first — A Geeky Customer and an Online Savvy Customer. We profiled these groups and narrowed down the age group of 25–45 years, mapped the social media community to which they belonged, the topics they preferred, the locations they lived, the work community they belonged to and the income bracket they fell in.

Synergise Content

We created an overarching theme for all the content to be created and again split it into a tech theme and a non-tech theme. This ensured that we had different content for different social media sites, which would engage the specific customer in those sites but all under a common theme. Creating content synergy was very important as we wanted different content for different medium and wanted to create an omnipresent feeling with one campaign or message leading into the other. Eg if someone would see a campaign banner on Fb, a more elaborate tech explanation was available for him at Medium.

Link and Loop

Link back and Looping was also very important step we undertook to ensure content synergy. Customer segment on Non-tech social media profiles had the option to link back into Tech side and were always looped back into social media. Eg, the content a customer would see on youtube had a tech description in Wikipedia with reference links of WorldPress and campaign images from Facebook. This is how we create loops.

Define Budget

Every campaign has to have a budget and allocating the right amount to the right media is very important, We created clear metrics of success for each media and allocated a budget to it. We also created link and loop metrics to measure the efficacy of a media to lead into another media. The budget was fixed for a weekly campaign for each media and measurements were done and alterations made to the budget to derive better efficiencies.

Call to Action

When you create omni-channel campaign a single call to action becomes a problem, but if you have too many call to actions that leads to confusion and increases engagement effort and cost. We decided to have two call to actions — email and messenger and created these for each media we were using. We also ensured “Call to Action was One Click-easy to use-easy to reply type of action. This ensured least friction reply-backs from our target segment.

A/B testing

Once the campaign got ready we launched on a small sample segment and checked A/B for each aspect of the campaign (content, messaging, medium, time, call to action). We then created 3–4 sets of final campaigns basis the A/B testing and launched it, monitored it and kept altering to get the best throughput out of the campaign.

Content Refresh

Content gets old very fast and that takes a toll on the repeatability of the content. So it is important to have multiple messaging for the same media, giving the same message but packaged differently. This ensures repeatability without increasing cost and effort. We did this for all our content and had a great result.

Feedback loop

Never believe that the content or messaging you created is final or unalterable or faultless. Always be ready to align, modulate, alter the content or media or messaging to ensure that you engage your customers. We had a feedback loop that was direct questions and indirect measurement through campaign metrics to ensure that content would be altered to improve efficacy.


Last but not the least we monitored everything. “What is not measured, does not Succeed” and with that mindset we analysed every campaign, every medium and every messaging. We were in constant state of flux, regularly alerting, fine-tuning to ensure maximum impact.

We prepared and executed our first campaign. We planned it well and implemented it well. We got good results and great learnings. Hope the above helps you to run fantastic Omni-Channel campaigns.



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