Introducing GVDS Presents: A new kind of online conference

Robert Skrobe
Dallas Design Sprints
4 min readSep 29, 2019
The logo’s only masking the incredible talent that will be part of the GVDS in November.

Part of my mission with the Global Virtual Design Sprint (GVDS) is to deliver an enormous amount of value for those that are taking part in the event.

Whether it’s design sprint training, working on intriguing ideas or having the opportunity to network with other professionals, I want to set an elevated standard for delivering on a bold thesis about virtual design sprints.

My personal motivation for doing this event is to put practitioners on a pedestal, showcasing what they can do and how they go about it. I want to give them ample opportunity to showcase their best professionals selves through this three month escapade I’m organizing and producing.

In pursuit of that vision, I’ll be debuting a brand new type of online conference in the month of October, called “GVDS Presents”.

GVDS Presents will be an entire month of practitioners and professionals in the design sprint, design thinking and remote work disciplines, showcasing who they are and what they do.

Each week day in the month of October, I’ll be featuring some amazing practitioners that will conduct live interviews, present on a topic of interest, or surprise everyone (including me) by doing something completely captivating and thought provoking.

To get an idea of how massive this event is going to be, here’s an overview of who’s coming just for the first week.

If you’ve every wanted to hear someone who’s well versed in empathy and understanding, come see Bill Alexy in October.

Bill Alexy

Thursday, October 3

Bill is one of my favorite design sprint practitioners and accomplished design professionals I’ve had the pleasure of working with. He’s the acting Principal at Alexy 19, LLC based out of Fort Worth, Texas, with 15 years experience directing and producing clear designs that solve problems. He has a strong background in user experience, branding, web development and print production.

This particular photo does do Jake justice. It’s as long as he is tall.

Jake Knapp

Friday, October 4

Jake Knapp is the inventor of the Design Sprint and a New York Times bestselling author. He’s coached teams at places like Google, Slack, LEGO, IDEO, and NASA on design strategy and time management. Previously, Jake helped build products like Gmail, Google Hangouts, and Microsoft Encarta. He is currently among the world’s tallest designers.

Steph Cruchon

Friday, October 4

Steph Cruchon is a Swiss designer and founder of Design Sprint Ltd, with over 15 years of experience in UX / UI design. He’s a pioneer of agency Design Sprints in Europe who recently released the “Design Sprint Quarter”, a three-months strategy for transforming promising ideas into viable products.

I had the pleasure of meeting both of these amazing people at Jake’s design sprint workshop in Paris over the summer, and I’m absolutely euphoric that I’ll have the chance to speak to both of them in an ‘Ask Me Anything” session on Friday, October 4!

And the rest of October?

The lineup for the rest of the month is still a secret.

However, anyone attending the Global Virtual Design Sprint not only knows who’s coming up, but has early access to signup for any interactive workshops or limited seating sessions that may be in the works. They’ll also be able to view the recordings of the sessions if they’ve missed them the first time around.

If you’re interested in being part of the Global Virtual Design Sprint, you can read all about the event in the following article, or sign yourself up in short order.

Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming announcements for the GVDS Presents, and I hope you’ll consider attending a future session!

We’re the authority on virtual design sprints and what to get at the farmers’ market.



Robert Skrobe
Dallas Design Sprints

I run Dallas Design Sprints, The Design Sprint Referral Network and Talent Sprints.