Mayor Eric Johnson orders creation of COVID-19 vaccine registration hubs to aid Dallas County efforts

Tristan Hallman
Office of Dallas Mayor Eric L. Johnson
2 min readJan 22, 2021
Click here to visit Dallas County’s COVID-19 vaccine website.

DALLAS — Mayor Eric Johnson on Thursday approved a plan to set up vaccination registration hubs in underserved areas of the city.

The exact locations of the hubs will be determined by the city’s Emergency Management Coordinator, Rocky Vaz, who has analyzed data from the Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation, the Community Health Needs Assessment, and City of Dallas Office of Equity. The data measures internet accessibility, computer availability, and the vulnerability of populations in the city’s ZIP codes.

“Although COVID-19 vaccine distribution is currently Dallas County’s responsibility, it is important to me that we get as many people signed up to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as possible because these inoculations will save lives,” said Mayor Johnson, who serves as the city’s Emergency Management Director. “It is also critical for our city government to make decisions that are based on data and facts rather than on politics or anyone’s gut feeling. That is what good government does, and it is what our community demands from us.

“This plan accomplishes that goal — and it does so in the right way.”

After the hub locations are determined, Vaz will then ask appropriate City Councilmembers and the mayor to solicit volunteers to help at the sites.

The hubs must have enough space to conform to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations regarding social distancing, personal protective equipment (PPE), and proper site cleanliness.

The mayor also ordered that all volunteers wear masks properly and that appropriate precautions, such as temperature checks and COVID-19 pre-screening, are taken at the hubs.

Read the mayor’s full memo here.

