Mayor Johnson: Here’s how we’re revitalizing Dallas neighborhoods

And how we’re honoring excellence in this city.


The following was adapted from my email newsletter. To subscribe, visit

First: thank you.

If you hadn’t heard, Dallas voters last week — by an overwhelming 67–33 margin — supported Proposition A, a funding plan to revitalize Fair Park and expand and improve the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.

The Dallas City Council previously voted 14–0 to put the proposition on the ballot. This voter approval means we will now officially have the opportunity to transform a long-dormant part of downtown, the Cedars, and South Dallas in the years ahead. And it will be done without raising taxes on Dallas residents because the funding will come from a 2% increase on the city’s tax rate on hotel rooms.

So, even if you didn’t vote for this proposition, you will see the benefits in the years to come.

Click here to read more.

And now that the election is over, the real work begins.

Tuesday’s vote cannot be treated as a blank check at Dallas City Hall. It will be critical to ensure that this redevelopment of downtown and Fair Park is done the right way — and in a way that puts Dallas taxpayers and residents first. That means the process going forward will require robust oversight, accountability, and public input (that includes you!).

Thank you again, and stay tuned for more updates.

Honoring excellence

Last week, I had the privilege of speaking at several events that honored excellence in this city.

One event was the 39th Annual H. Neil Mallon Award Dinner, which was hosted by the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth.

The event honored former United States Ambassador Jeanne Phillips, who chairs the Mayor’s International Advisory Council, and the keynote conversation featured former United States Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

It was also a fantastic opportunity to provide updates on the city’s ongoing international relations efforts — including the fact that an international trade office will soon be coming to Dallas (look for that news soon!).

Another major event was the Friends of the Dallas Police awards banquet. It was wonderful to have the chance to express gratitude to the men and women of the Dallas Police Department who work so hard to make this city and its communities safer. Because of their dedication and professionalism, Dallas is again reducing violent crime this year. Congratulations again to all the honorees who took home awards for their service to Dallas.

Monocle Magazine also came to Dallas for The Chiefs Conference. The magazine recently profiled the city and detailed its excellence. It was fun to welcome visitors from across the nation who wanted to see what Dallas has to offer. It was yet another example of the Big Dallas Energy that is palpable in this city.

Building housing — and hope

Last week, I also helped break ground on a new Builders of Hope Community Development Corporation affordable housing development in West Dallas.

This development will bring 20 new affordable homes to West Dallas, a historically underserved and overlooked community that helped raise me.

This is important because West Dallas has been changing rapidly in recent years. Look around in this area today and you’ll see all kinds of new investment, new residents, new restaurants, new businesses, and new attention from City Hall.

And that’s all great. But the Builders of Hope development will help ensure that West Dallas still remains a place that welcomes the people who made it great in the first place: working-class families.

Click here to read more.

That’s all for today, but more to come! Don’t forget that Tuesday is the annual State of the City address!

Talk again soon. Have an excellent week.

