Mayor Johnson showcases Dallas as a ‘premier American city’ at The Monocle Quality of Life Conference in Munich, Germany

Maddy Madrazo
Office of Dallas Mayor Eric L. Johnson
2 min readSep 1, 2023

DALLAS — Dallas Mayor Eric L. Johnson on Friday participated in a panel discussion with Mayor Matúš Vallo of Bratislava, Slovakia at The Monocle Quality of Life Conference in Munich, Germany. The panel, “Lessons from City Leaders,” was moderated by the editor in chief of Monocle magazine, Andrew Tuck.

“Dallas is a growing, international city that represents urbanism at its best,” Mayor Johnson said. “It is a privilege to showcase Dallas as a premier American city on the world stage.”

More than 200 international delegates specializing in business, culture, urbanism, and current affairs gathered in Munich for the eighth edition of the conference. Mayor Johnson was one of 20 leaders identified to participate in panel discussions and in-depth interviews focused on building a better future in life and business.

Mayor Johnson and Mayor Vallo discussed changing a city’s ambitions and lessons learned from leading a large US metropolis and a compact European city. Mayor Johnson spoke about his journey to becoming Dallas’ 60th mayor and Dallas as a welcoming city of opportunity. He touted Dallas’ continued success in lowering violent crime and said one of his top three priorities is to lead Dallas further down the path toward becoming the safest major city in the United States.

“Mayors are in the security business,” he said. “Public safety will remain my number one priority because if Dallas residents don’t feel secure, our city’s other objectives are guaranteed to fail.”

Dallas is the only major American city to record year-over-year declines in every category of violent crime tracked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2021 and 2022. A new Gallup poll reveals that Americans rate Dallas the safest among America’s 16 largest cities.

In addition to public safety, Mayor Johnson said he is prioritizing increasing Dallas residents’ access to parks and providing property tax relief.

“I also want Dallas to become the major city with the best park system in Texas and the lowest tax rate in the North Texas region,” he said. “Steady progress toward my administration’s top three goals will lead to a safer, greener, more prosperous city.”

The three-day conference featuring debates, panels, interviews, and networking opportunities concludes on September 2.

