DAMA DMBOK: Data Modeling Components

Talha Şahin
DAMA DMBOK: Data Modeling
3 min readJun 8, 2023

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my second article about data modeling. In this article I will try to explain components of data modeling. Have fun!

The components of a data model typically include:

  1. Entity types: Entity types represent the types of data stored in the system. They are typically represented as tables in the database and represent the main subjects or objects of the system. For example, in a customer relationship management system, the entity types might include “customer,” “order,” “product,” and “employee.”

2. Attributes: Attributes represent the specific characteristics or properties of an entity type. They are typically represented as columns in the tables and provide more detailed information about the entity type. For example, the “customer” entity type might have attributes such as “customer_id,” “name,” “email,” and “address.”

3. Relationships: Relationships represent the connections or associations between entity types. They indicate how the data is related and are typically represented as foreign keys in the tables. For example, a “customer” entity type might have a relationship with an “order” entity type, indicating that a customer can place many orders.

4. Data types: Data types specify the type of data that can be stored in an attribute. Examples of data types include integers, strings, dates, and decimals.

5. Indexes: Indexes are used to improve the performance of queries on the data. They are typically used to create a fast lookup for specific data in the tables.

6. Constraints and rules: Constraints and rules are used to enforce rules or limits on the data. For example, a constraint might be used to ensure that an attribute must have a unique value, or a rule might be used to specify that a certain attribute must be entered when creating a new record.

These are the main components of a data model. They are used to represent the data structures and relationships within an organization’s information systems and to guide the design and implementation of the system’s database.

That’s all folks, thank you for your interest :)

You can find my first article about data modeling, an introduction to data modeling from here: https://bit.ly/DAMAIntro

In next article I’ll be explaining “Data Modeling Schemes”, see you soon :)

