Joining us for this podcast is Rosalind Donald, a PhD candidate in communications at Columbia University researching community understanding of climate change in Miami. Her work focuses on the way the city’s politics, infrastructure and environment influence how climate change is interpreted in policy and the popular imagination.

Also in the room are Hollie Smith, Assistant Professor of Science and Environmental Communication at the University of Oregon’s
Media Center for Science and Technology, and Destiny J. Alvarez, a graduate student at our School of Journalism and Communication.

You can learn more about Rosalind and the talk she gave at the University of Oregon here:…t#.XNG5wJNKhR0

You can also find her on Twitter @RosDonald.

Show Notes:

1:01 — Tell us about your research,
4:48 — What kind of role do you see science playing in discussion about the impact of climate change?
7:05 — What role does journalism play in helping communities make sense of address climate change?
9:39 — How do journalists cover climate change in areas where the effects of climate change aren’t obvious?
13:40 — What barriers do we need to overcome, as communicators, to understand how to tell these stories differently?
16:13 — Wider trends in academia and journalism in communicating about science.
23:54 — What do you hope people will do with what you’ve learned?
27:29 — What key messages would you want students and faculty to take away from your visit?



Damian Radcliffe
Damian Radcliffe

Chambers Professor in Journalism @uoregon | Fellow @TowCenter @CardiffJomec @theRSAorg | Write @wnip @ZDNet | Host Demystifying Media podcast