Local journalism and media policy: Christopher Ali, Sue Cross and Jessica Gonzalez discuss emerging issues and fresh ideas

Why the current system is broken, and how non-profit models and better broadband point are part of the way forward

Damian Radcliffe
Damian Radcliffe
Published in
5 min readJan 26, 2022


By Nick Mathews

Throughout the Tow Center-hosted five-part panel series on the intersection of local media and media policy, experts have offered wide-ranging criticisms of the current state of affairs in the United States and around the globe. In the penultimate panel discussion, Jessica González perhaps put it most succinctly and clearly:

“We definitely deserve something better than this,” she said.

González, the co-CEO of Free Press, was joined by Christopher Ali (University of Virginia) and Sue Cross (CEO/Executive Director, Institute of Nonprofit News) for the fourth panel, examining how media policy can (and should) support local journalism. The panel, entitled, “Emerging Issues and Fresh Ideas,” was moderated by Tow Knight News Innovation fellow Damian Radcliffe from the University of Oregon. The final panel in the five-part conversation will be at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Jan. 27.



Damian Radcliffe
Damian Radcliffe

Chambers Professor in Journalism @uoregon | Fellow @TowCenter @CardiffJomec @theRSAorg | Write @wnip @ZDNet | Host Demystifying Media podcast https://itunes.app