Seven Ways Robots Are Being Used By Publishers and Newsrooms

Damian Radcliffe
Damian Radcliffe
Published in
9 min readJun 2, 2019


First published by What’s New in Publishing.

The robots are coming. According to a 2018 paper published by the OECD, “close to one in two jobs are likely to be significantly affected by automation, based on the tasks they involve,” although “the degree of risk varies” by sector and country.

For some publishers, automation is already a reality, as the technology — and the potential it affords — becomes increasingly mainstream.

In a recent survey of 200 editors, CEOs, and digital leaders, the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism found that over three-quarters (78%) of their sample “think it is important to invest more in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help secure the future of journalism.”

“Most see increased personalisation as a critical pathway to the future (73%),” the report notes, highlighting a major strategic driver for many publishers interested in these tools.

Automation, AI, Machine Learning, and other robo-led processes (which, for the sake of semantics, I’m grouping together here) are rapidly becoming increasingly engrained in the publishing business.

With that in in mind, here are seven uses worth highlighting:

1: Writing articles



Damian Radcliffe
Damian Radcliffe

Chambers Professor in Journalism @uoregon | Fellow @TowCenter @CardiffJomec @theRSAorg | Write @wnip @ZDNet | Host Demystifying Media podcast