Damn Shame #12 — Creating Moments

Clyde Oak
Damn Shame
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2013



It’s no surprise that we’ve all had special moments in our lives. They leave us with a bond to people and a memory which is thankfully hard to erase. Remember summer camp? That backyard bonfire when we burned a couch? Exactly! Growing up in Texas with my friends, I remember riding bikes a couple of miles to a local 7-eleven for a big Slurpee. There was always something special about going through the tree tunnels along the bike path.

It’s a damn shame we don’t spend more time thinking about how to create better “moments.” The magic is simple taking only a few critical elements to work:

1. Space — needs to inspire conversation

2. Great People you respect

3. Food/beverage — we do it 21 times a week, it’s natural

I’m not sure why memories are so influential. I just know we are social animals and memories joyfully connect us. If you want to have a lasting impact on people, be memory maker.

