Debunking Myths and Embracing Facts: The Power of Mobile Telematics

Damoov - Track Smart & Drive Safe
Damoov blog
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2023

Debunking Myth 1: A Smartphone Must Be Fixed to the Vehicle Dashboard

In a remarkable departure from OBDs and similar devices, smartphones utilized in mobile telematics can be conveniently positioned anywhere in the vehicle, be it in a pocket, bag, or holder. In the interest of safety and adherence to laws in most countries, the phone should be placed out of the driver’s immediate reach. With modern algorithms at play, they filter and calibrate data from the smartphone, enabling an understanding of the vehicle and driver’s movements, behavior, and location. Thanks to advanced sensors and processing power, substantial volumes of precise data can be collected, irrespective of the phone’s placement within the vehicle.

Debunking Myth 2: Smartphones Are Linked to Drivers, Not Vehicles

An intriguing perspective that the era of mobile telematics brings to light is how closely tethered a smartphone is to its user. This implies that the device can provide a treasure trove of data far surpassing what OBDs could offer. For organizations, a single mobile telematics solution can seamlessly manage a diverse range of assets — from light vehicles, vans, and motorbikes to trucks and ground staff. This alleviates the need to invest in individual telematics hardware for every asset.

Not just that, for industries like market research and insurance, mobile telematics could be the key to unlocking valuable insights into safe driving habits, lifestyle data, and geo-analytic capabilities. The robust processing power and vast data sets enable the distinction between various types of transport and even ascertain the role of the smartphone owner during a trip (driver or passenger). Like any efficient software product, mobile telematics offers customizable options for tagging on-duty trips and specific vehicle trips using available tools like schedule tags and surrounding sensors (car Bluetooth, wifi, etc.).

Debunking Myth 3: Drivers Can Simply Turn Off GPS or Leave Their Phone at Home

Mobile telematics technology is ingeniously deployed through SDKs, which can be integrated into existing mobile apps. In today’s digital era, where smartphones are indispensable work tools for companies like Uber, Doordash, Lyft, it’s unimaginable that a driver would leave their phone at home. Similarly, for private customers, smartphones are a vital part of their daily lives, as necessary as keys or a wallet. When GPS integration in an app results in customer benefits such as lower insurance premiums or market research rewards, turning the GPS off seems pointless. As customers grow more accustomed to GPS-enabled apps, this trend becomes the new normal.

The Compelling Facts about Mobile Telematics

Fact 1: Bluetooth and Enhanced Connectivity Contrary to OBDs that only transmit data via GPRS or, in some advanced devices, through 3G, mobile telematics allows for real-time data collection and transmission. This feature ensures a continuous record of a vehicle’s location, speed, driver behavior, and more, significantly broadening the potential of mobile telematics-powered apps.

Fact 2: Seamless Integration with Apps and Fleet Platforms One of the distinct advantages of mobile telematics over OBDs is the versatility of data usage. The data can be integrated with various apps and systems, making it incredibly useful for a range of customers, including fleet managers, urban planners, researchers, and food delivery brands.

Fact 3: Globally Scalable Mobile telematics offers immediate global availability. Unlike GPS trackers, mobile telematics doesn’t require you to endure the long waiting period to launch a product, and there are no export duties, logistics, or delivery concerns. All that’s needed is to download the app and start enjoying high-quality telematics data.

Fact 4: A Cost-Effective Solution Being a SaaS-based solution, mobile telematics eliminates the need for companies to purchase telematics devices or pay ongoing telco costs or other device-associated expenses (like installation or maintenance). In comparison to OBDs, mobile telematics proves to be 70% cheaper.

Fact 5: Easy to Manage and Adapt Unlike hardware telematics, Telematics SDK is a software solution, making it highly adaptable. Where hardware modifications could take months, changes in the software solution require merely a few hours.

In light of all these insights, mobile telematics, including Telematic SDKs, holds a clear advantage over OBDs in terms of accuracy, useful data collection, and the potential for continuous improvement with the development of smartphone technology. It’s time to embrace the future of telematics — it’s time to go mobile.



Damoov - Track Smart & Drive Safe
Damoov blog

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