Thailand — The first (and hopefully worst) 3 days

Dan Broadbent
Dan Broadbent
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2010

Hello from the future! So now that we have crossed the international dateline, we are in the future compared to all you back in America. On Wednesday we finally arrived at our first hostel in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It’s hot as hell, but it’s really nice and everyone is very friendly and laid back.

To get to this point took a lot of time either in the airport or on an airplane. After departing DIA early Sunday morning, we made 2 flights to put us in LAX. Fortunately, we missed our connection to Tokyo. It was fortunate for a couple of reasons, first being we have some awesome friends living in LA that we got to party with. Second was that we got 1st class seats on our flight from LA to Tokyo, which was amazing. We were on a new 777 long range jet and the first class seats were set up like individual pods that you could fully recline in. After that 11 hour flight, we sat in Japan waiting 5 more hours before catching our 7 hour flight to Bangkok. We arrived in Bangkok at 1:30AM local time. While there we booked our flight for the next day to Chiang Mai. That wait ended up being 9 more hours for a short 1 hour flight. Can’t say how relieved we are to finally be here.

In our downtime at the Bangkok airport, we had our first Thai meals, which were excellent. If the airport food is that good, I can’t wait to try some of the local flavors. Now to plan out the next few days and hopefully start making more exciting adventures.

