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Growing Up Gilbert

Dana Mason Berchman
Dana Berchman


I grew up in Gilbert, Arizona. I graduated from Gilbert High School in 1997. Then my journey led me to Spain and Washington D.C. and then to New York City. But, nearly a decade later, I came back to Arizona and ended up getting my dream job in the town where I grew up. My early experiences in Gilbert shaped my desire to pursue a career in journalism and politics and it all led me back home to a community that I love.

Last year, our digital communications department started a campaign called “Growing up Gilbert” where we highlighted the stories of people who grew up here and are now giving back to the community in various ways. It was also the theme of the Digital State of the Town which premiered in February at our local Harkins Movie Theater in front of a sold-out audience. And now that video is being shared online and has nearly 8,000 views.

From a firefighter to a teenager who started a teddy bear drive for children, all of these compelling stories showcase what a wonderful place Gilbert is to be raised and to have a career. So many years ago, Gilbert was a small town. And when I say small, I mean small. I remember vividly attending a student council convention in high school and someone from a Phoenix school asking me if I rode a horse to school. Those days are long gone and today you’ll find a bustling and thriving downtown as well as many new and growing businesses, major developments and hotels. Gilbert’s growth and development continues to attract new residents, visitors and businesses and garner national attention.

Leading up to the premiere of the Digital State of the Town, we ran four commercial spots on local cable to promote the theme, “Growing up Gilbert”.

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As you heard in that spot, I’ve come a long way but am not that far from home. As the Chief Digital Officer in Gilbert, there are so many stories to tell and now my team and I get to tell them every day.

If you would like to share your #GrowingUpGilbert story, email it to or post using the hashtag on a social network of your choice.



Dana Mason Berchman
Dana Berchman

Chief Digital Officer, journalist, wife and mom to two beautiful daughters. Opinions are my own.