5 Benefits of Attending a Local Dance Class

Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2014
Dance Class Benefits
Dance classes can replace those gym workouts.

Many people each year sign up for a variety of dance classes.Whether you are taking an adult ballet class or a hip-hop class. There’s something about letting your body groove to the music, whether it is fast or slow. Dancing, while fun and artistic, is also beneficial in more ways than one. In addition to being an excellent workout, it serves as a meeting hub, gets you out of the house and gives you the full confidence you need for daily life. Here are some benefits of attending a local dance class.

An Invigorating Workout

Dancing is one of the best exercises you can do. Instead of just focusing on one area of the body, it focuses on several, giving you an entire body workout that you’ll love to do over and over. Depending on the type of local dance class you take — think ballroom or belly dancing — will determine the type of workout you get. Toning, cardio and muscle strengthening is achieved with every step you take and each new dance only increases your workout capability.

Improve Your Posture and Flexibility

In addition to toning up your body, you’ll also become more flexible and limber while improving your posture. This, in turn, promotes healthier muscles and joints which is excellent for the aging process. Who knows, you might be the only one of your friends or family members who wards off back problems or achy joints in your later years, and you’ll owe it all to your dance lessons.

Even if you’re in your later years, you can still benefit. Stronger muscles help support your joints which improve as well the more you use them. With fancy dance steps and plenty of activity, you’ll benefit just as much as a younger dancer just starting out.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Daily life can be stressful, especially when you factor in work, relationships, children and other things. Dance gives you a great outlet as it provides both a physical and emotional release. When you become one with the music, you learn to let other things go to focus on the task at hand which is mastering the right steps and emoting along with the beat.

Instill the Confidence You Need

As you learn and master more dance moves, you’re likely to become more confident in yourself and this will show in more areas than one. If you’re single, you’ll gain the confidence to mingle. If you’re looking to be promoted at work, dancing can help improve your overall outlook of yourself and give you that boost you need to approach your boss. Because you’re improving your skills, your self-esteem is also improving with every dance step you take, so keep it up!

Make New Friends

One thing that’s great about taking local dance classes is that you meet plenty of people in your area who all share the same interest: dance. Most people claim that they meet some of their best friends through their dance classes, so there’s no reason why this can’t be true for you. Dancing with the same people week in and week out, you’re sure to form friendships, and maybe, if you’re single even a new relationship. Take the opportunity to bond with your fellow dance partners and you open up a new world of possibilities, even if you’re not a social butterfly.

It doesn’t matter what type of dance you take or learn, you’ll benefit in more ways than you’ve ever expected, no matter how old you are. Dancing opens your mind and body to new experiences, and it’s a well-known form of therapy for many. Whether you’re taking your 1st or 100th dance class, at the end of the session, you’re bound to walk out feeling better than you did when you walked in.

Image: Ricky Lam

For more information on dance lessons or to get involved with a dance studio in your area visit DanceHub. Discover dance studios, dance instructors, and dance classes near you.

