5 Tips for Becoming a Better Dancer

Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2015

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It’s no secret that dancing requires diligence, dedication, and hard work.

It’s no secret that dancing requires diligence, dedication, and hard work.[/caption]

Dancing can be tremendously enjoyable –but there’s no denying that dancing takes work –a lot of work.

While improving your dance involves diligence and dedication during class, there are a number of things that you can do outside the studio that can help you to improve your skill.

If you are looking to become a better dancer, here are five things that can help you to be at the top of your game.

Choose a Good Teacher

Choosing a good teacher is one of the best things you can do. A great teacher is there to help give you the tools needed to advance, and will give you the encouragement that you need to keep going. Yes, you may receive correction along the way, but it’s important to remember that correction is not the same as criticism. Make sure your teacher doesn’t try to push their style on you, but rather helps you to nurture your own natural ability. If your teacher helps you to feel confident and brings out the best in you –then you know you have found a keeper.

Stretch and Exercise

While it may sound fairly basic, stretching and exercising –especially when not in class, is one of the main things that can help any dancer become better. Stretching is important to help you become more flexible –and when it comes to dancing, flexibility is important! Exercising is also important to help keep you toned, flexible, and your muscles strong and ready.

Practice, Practice, Practice

While it may seem overly obvious, practice does make perfect. If you want to improve your dance skills, you’ll need to practice –regularly. You shouldn’t aim to deliver your best routine at your practice sessions –but rather, you should focus on improving your skills and working on areas that need improvement. You should aim to work towards a specific goal when you practice –whether it is perfecting a certain move, or building a new skill. It is also important that you schedule out the amount of practicing you do –since you need to have time to rest as well. Too little practice and you won’t progress, but too much practice can leave you tired, worn out, and exhausted!

Build Confidence

Building confidence is also an important part of becoming a better dancer. Great dancers have great confidence. Have confidence in yourself, your capabilities, and your potential. Believing that you’re capable will do wonders for your routine, and will help you to master even difficult moves.

Don’t Give Up!

It is important to remember that not every day is going to go as smoothly as you may hope. There will be many days where you feel tired, unmotivated, and unconfident. Not every day will leave you feeling inspired and encouraged –and that’s ok. What’s important is to keep going. To help you to survive difficult days, try to surround yourself with people who will help to build you up. Or take a dance class with a friend. Keep going and you will soon find yourself developing a stronger love of dance that will bring you back again and again.

Even when you’re out of studio, you can work to improve your routine. Practice your moves on your own when you can, or go over the moves in your mind when you can’t practice. Give it everything you have and push the limits of what you think you can do. Have confidence and you’ll be able to go far.

How do you work to become a better dancer? Share your secrets with us.

Image: SnapperCR29

For more information on dance lessons or to get involved with a dance studio in your area visit DanceHub. Discover dance studios, dance instructors, and dance classes near you.

