6 Dances Hollywood absolutely loves

Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2014

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Dances From The Movies

The Tango was center stage in the movie, True Lies.[/caption]

Dancing is a recurring theme in many movies, and it’s not uncommon to see a surge in people signing up for dance classes when a new movie is released. A timeless art, there are several types of dance, many of which are very simple to learn with just a few lessons.

Whether you’re looking to get Footloose, take up some Dirty Dancing, or just Waltz the night away, here are just a few dances Hollywood simply loves that you can learn quickly and easily.

1. The Tango

Anyone who has seen the movie True Lies remembers the Tango scene between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tia Carrere. The Tango is also seen in several other films including Mr. and Mrs. Smith. This elegant dance routine is fairly easy to learn once you have the basics of ballroom dancing down.

A dramatic dance to say the least, it consists mostly of walking motions in a “sneaky” or “stalking” manner, in which dance partners maintain eye contact. Motions are often staccato — or quick — with a head snap or foot flick being the most common. Less urgent and slower paced when compared to other ballroom dances, it is one of the easier to learn.

2. Rumba

Like the Tango, there are plenty of movies that feature this sensual dance. Most notably, it is seen in Dirty Dancing and Shall We Dance. Often danced to slow Latin music, the Rumba highlights the hip actions and rhythmic body movements of the woman, creating a passionate scene.

It is quicker paced with a quick-quick-slow rhythm that especially uses the hips, leg and foot. If you have previous ballroom dancing experience, you’ll pick this one up rather fast in just a few lessons.

3. The Cancan

If you’ve ever seen Moulin Rouge, you know all about the glamorous dresses and outfits that come with the cancan dance, but did you know that it’s also very easy to learn? Upon first look, it may seem daunting due to its fast paced nature and high-energy moves, but the moves are repetitive, making it easy to memorize with a bit of practice.

The good thing about the cancan dance is that you don’t need a partner to dance with — it can be danced solo as well. It features high kicks as well as dramatic arm and leg movements.

4. The Line Dance

More country than Ballroom, line dancing is at the heart of the movie Footloose. Performed in a group, the line dance consists of several different variations, many of which you’ve probably danced to at weddings or even your prom.

The Electric Slide, Swing Time, and Ole are popular versions of this upbeat dance that uses your entire body. Best of all, you can pick it up in no time flat as you dance to catchy music and put your rhythm to the test.

5. Tap Dancing

If you’ve ever seen Billy Elliot and Drop Dead Gorgeous, you’ve inevitably seen the amazing tap dance routines that seem mind-blowing. The basic tap steps are pretty easy to learn with a bit of practice, and most importantly relaxed feet and ankles. There are two main variations of tap dancing: Broadway and rhythm.

Rhythm tap dancing is seen more in Jazz-style dancing while Broadway is commonly seen in musicals, incorporated with other dances. As you practice, you’ll be able to complete the moves faster and with more precision using specialized tap shoes.

6. Swing Dance

Envision Madonna’s character in A League of Their Own and you got the urge to Swing dance right along with her. It doesn’t matter if you’re interested in the Lindy Hop, Foxtrot or even the Balboa variation, you’ll enjoy the music as well as your partner each time you dance.

Syncopated timing is a major element of swing dancing often using triple steps. Initially, it may seem daunting, but once you get a few practice classes in, you’ll be a pro in no time at all.

Next Steps

If you’re interested in learning how to dance like they do in the movies, ballroom dance classes are the perfect place to start, even if you don’t have a partner. Skilled dancers teach several variations of the movements and help you every step of the way.

For more information on dance lessons or to get involved with a dance studio in your area visit DanceHub. Discover dance studios, dance instructors, and dance classes near you.

