7 Things That Make for a Great Zouk Dancer

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3 min readMay 8, 2017

Have you taken up Zouk dancing recently? Maybe you’ve heard about this captivating, fast-paced dance –and would like to give it a try! Whether you’re an experienced dancer or a complete beginner, if you’re looking for an upbeat dance, then you’ll want to think about giving Zouk a chance.

Zouk is a special kind of dance that many dancers feel has the ability to captivate your soul. In Antillean French Creole –Zouk means party! And Zouk itself refers to both a type of dance, and music –the dance itself having roots in Brazilian Lambada and Samba, and the music originating in the French Caribbean. Quickly growing in popularity today, Zouk is one dance that you won’t want to miss out an.

With this in mind let’s take a quick look at seven things that make for a great Zouk dancer. Read on to see if you’ve got it!


Any dance that has you move at a rapid pace with expressive moves, with a partner, will require you to have confidence. Zouk dance involves moving in close connection with your partner and calls for you to move in sync and in step with their moves, it’s also a fluid dance that requires you to be confident in your body as you dance your way across the floor.


While Zouk has some distinct moves, there is much of the dance that requires you to get creative in your moves as well. Zouk allows you to dance at whatever tempo you feel inspired to dance to. The Zouk dancer must provide a mixture of movement, athleticism, and improvisation –there’s lots of room to get creative!

3.A Positive Attitude

Dancing Zouk requires an upbeat, positive attitude –much like the music itself. With a positive, upbeat outlook, the dance moves are easier and the dance itself is more fun as well. Zouk requires a lot of fluid movements with your partner, and having a positive outlook will help your movements to be smoother and your ultimate movements more gracious –it will also help you to learn quicker and remain confident as well.

4.A Love for Dance

To make any dance successful, you must have a love for dance itself. Zouk dancing tells a story through expression and movements, and having a love for this dance will help you to convey that story and passion while on the dance floor.

5.Strength and Energy

Zouk requires a lot of upbeat energy! If you are strong, and have lots of energy –then Zouk is the dance for you. In Zouk, there are many movements that require greater engagement of the core, as well as balance and orientation. With many dips and drops, the core and leg strength is important, and having the strength and energy to carry yourself through is important! Keep in mind, though, that even beginners can enjoy this dance, so don’t let a lack of energy or strength put you off!


Zouk is a partner dance –and one that connects you to your partner quickly! The movements in Zouk are very close and intimate, and will have you rethinking your ideas about personal space! This dance is also a great opportunity to get to know other Zouk dancers. The Zouk community is very small and close-knit, and it’s an excellent chance to meet some new people.

7.Speed and Agility

The word “Zouke” comes from the French verb “Secouer” which simply means to “Shake intensely and repeatedly.” The dance was accurately named in this sense since Zouk is a dance that will constantly keep you moving. To be a great Zouk dancer you will want to have the ability to move quickly and accurately. Again, though, if you feel that you’re not as quick as you’d like to be –no worries! Beginners are more than welcome in Zouk dance classes.

So there you have it! Sever things that make for a great Zouk dancer. If you’re not sure about dancing Zouk –but would like to learn more, be sure to check out some Zouk dance videos online. Or, check into a dance studio to take one class in Zouk. It’s a great opportunity to get into shape, meet new friends, and practice something fun. Enjoy!

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