An Overview of Kizomba and Semba

Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2017

The Kizomba dance is a slow, partnered dance that involves a close partner connection –and smooth movements that are performed in line with music. Semba, on the other hand –while similar, is characterized by faster movements.

These dances are growing in popularity –and are taking the dance world by storm. If you’re unfamiliar with these dances, read on to see what they involve –and why you’ll want to think about taking a class!

Kizomba and Semba: What Are They?

While Kizomba originated in Angola in the 1980’s, it’s relatively new to the U.S. –and in recent years has burst onto the dance scene.

With Kizomba, there’s no basic order of steps that must be followed. Instead, movement with the music is the goal. This dance can be performed with only four or five different moves, making it a unique and fun dance that’s easy for beginners to get started with. But lest you think that this dance is boring –don’t be fooled! Mastery lies in the subtlety of movement and of the lead-and-follow connection, and this dance has something to offer everyone, from the new beginner to the experienced veteran.

“If it’s done well, if it’s done with the music, you don’t even need to do one saida, and I’m happy, you can only see a grin on my face because they’re feeling the music, they’re following the music,” says Angolan-born Riquita Alta. “That’s what makes the dance as exciting as it is, not the moves.”

Kizomba is also a name for music comes from the tradition of Semba in Angola. At its core, Kizomba is simply Semba danced to the rhythm of Kizomba music. When you listen to Kizomba music, you can hear how similar it is to Semba.

Kizomba and Semba Dance Moves

Dance moves for the Kizomba are more intimate and slow, the movements are smooth and flowing, and the moves require a lot of flexibility in the knees and frequent up and down movement as well as a lot of hip action. Kizomba music is a slower music with a romantic rhythm that encourages slower and closer movements in dance.

Semba music, on the other hand, is joyful music that is often used for parties. It has a delightful rhythm that encourages movement and allows you to express joy while dancing. The lyrics in Semba music are important and often deal with real life events that took place in Angola. It is energetic and lively, thus creating a fast-paced dance. The word Semba means “a touch of the bellies,” which describes the Semba dance quite accurately. But while Semba dance moves are done with a partner that is close, the dance also allows for dancing together, yet apart. Much of the dance is considered to be walking with intention and circling your dance partner. Both Semba and Kizomba are appropriate for any level of dancer –from beginner to advanced, and both dances allow as much personal space that you feel comfortable with.

Up until a few years ago, it was almost impossible to find dance classes that offered Kizomba in the U.S., today, however, both Semba and Kizomba are growing in popularity, and more dance teachers are starting to offer Kizomba classes. While bigger metropolitan areas have the greatest opportunities for Kizomba, more remote areas are starting to offer classes for this dance as well. Be sure to have a look at dance classes in your area to see about joining one –and start dancing the Kizomba or Semba today!

Are you interested in Kizomba or Semba? Have a look at Kizomba dance instructors in your area at Dance Hub!

