How Dancing Will Improve Your Life

Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2015

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Dancing Improve Life

Dancing can help improve your mood.[/caption]

Dancing is fun –and it’s a great opportunity to learn something new –but did you know that dance offers a whole host of fabulous results?

While most people know that dance offers tremendous physical benefits, the benefits of dance extend beyond just exercise. Dance is for everyone –not just those who enjoy sports. Dance allows you to participate in an art form, and offers the perfect opportunity for creativity and self-expression.

Dance can be add tremendously to your life, enhancing it in a number of ways that you may not have known were possible. Read on to find out how!

Improved Mood

Exercise is an excellent mood booster –and dancing can help to improve your mood immensely! According to a study on the subject, patients that participated in upbeat dance showed the fewest depression symptoms and the most vitality! Dance also inspires laughter. When you are dancing, you will experience many moments that will cause you to laugh, that dancing will not only improve your mood, but will leave you laughing and feeling free. When you are in a better mood –life is just better.

Raised Self-Esteem

Did you know that dancing can help you to build self-esteem? Many of the stars on “Dancing with the Stars” have talked about how learning to dance helped to increase their self-confidence and self-esteem. Conquering your fear, and taking to the dance floor will help you to get in touch with your courageous side, beat your fear, and will bring you tremendous joy. As a bonus, dance helps to tone the body, a tremendous confidence booster.

Excellent Health Benefits

Dancing can help improve your health in a myriad of different ways. It builds muscle tone, promotes coordination, and leads to overall improved fitness. But dance doesn’t just effect appearance, your heart and lungs can benefit from dance, and somewhat surprisingly -dance also contributes to stronger bones. A healthier life is a better life!

Better Posture

Modern life is horrible for our postures. All that time spent at our desks or at computer screens can take a tremendous toll on our physiques. Living life with poor posture can lead to health problems including spine damage and backache. Dance can help to improve your posture. When you dance –it’s more difficult to slouch, and over time, you will adapt and retrain your body to maintain better posture, even when you aren’t dancing. You’ll also experience improved body-mind coordination and flexibility.

More Social Opportunities

One little-known benefit of dance is that it presents an excellent opportunity for you to build friendships, and opens the door for new social opportunities. Additionally, the skills that you will develop in dance can be transferred to any career path, or applied to everyday social situations. You’ll gain confidence, and build your social skills –plus you’ll gain practice coordinating with and communicating as part of a group. It’s a win-win situation!

If you’re looking for a few ways to enhance your life, consider enrolling in a dance class. No matter what your style, from ballroom or salsa, to hip-hop, jazz, and ballet –there’s a dance that’s perfect for you. So find a partner, or go alone –get out and start experiencing the tremendous benefits that dance has to offer!

Image: Lafayette College

For more information on dance lessons or to get involved with a dance studio in your area visit DanceHub. Discover dance studios, dance instructors, and dance classes near you.

