How Excuses Will Hold You Back As a Dancer

Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2015

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“Excuses hold you back. Actions move you forward.”

“Excuses hold you back. Actions move you forward.”[/caption]

Excuses present themselves often, and take on many different forms.

“I don’t have the time,” “I don’t have the energy,” “I couldn’t possibly….” the excuses are really quite limitless. But while excuses may seem innocent enough, the fact is that if left unchecked, they can turn into barriers –and prevent you from moving forward.

As a dancer, copouts are the last thing that you need. Not only will they negatively impact how you view yourself, slowly but surely they will grow into roadblocks and before long they’ll start to have a detrimental effect on your dancing career.

The good news though, is that if being aware of common excuses that are present in our lives, we will be able to overcome them –and get back on track for success.

If you want to advance, it’s important to not let excuses hold you back. Here’s how you can move forward, and overcome excuses to become the best that you can be.

Don’t Put the Blame on Others

It’s easy to pin the blame on others, even subconsciously. But blaming others won’t help you to get ahead. Instead, try to remind yourself that you are responsible for your success. If the people in your life aren’t as supportive as you’d like them to be, it’s important to find some who are. Joining a dance class can be a great way to meet like-minded people, having a supportive instructor can also help to keep you going when things get tough. Seek out mentors, and look for friends that are supportive and encouraging.

Remember: You Are in Control of Your Life

We all feel out of control sometimes, but it’s important not to get into the mindset of believing that you’re not in control of your life. Recognizing that you have to create your own path to success is important, and will help you to start moving on towards success.

Set Your Goals

Having a clearly defined goal is one of the best ways to overcome the excuses. With a clear goal in mind, you’ll be able to create a plan to reach your goals, and will be less likely to allow excuses to creep in. It’s important to have a clear goal –whether it’s to work as a professional dancer, to perform on stage, or to master salsa. Whatever it is, just make sure it’s not vague –you’ll need to envision it in order to work towards it. With a clearly defined goal, you won’t be dissuaded by minor setbacks, instead, intent on reaching your objectives you’ll rise above and work towards them.

Identify Your Excuses

Finally, it’s important to be vigilant –and on the lookout for excuses that come up. Once you identify them, you’ll be able to create a list of behaviors that you can do to overcome these excuses. For example, if you find yourself saying, “I don’t have time to practice,” it’s important to ask yourself how important dance is to you. If something is important to us, then in most cases, we’ll find a way to devote time to it.

While we all have excuses that pop into our heads from time to time, successful dancers have learned to recognize them for what they are, and are adept at overcoming them and rising above. Remember, excuses don’t come from anyone but you. So don’t accept them, and stop letting them hold you back. Believe that you can do it! You deserve more, and your talent deserves more. Stop making excuses and start moving towards success!

Serious about dance? Looking to improve your dance skills? Visit Dance Hub to see dance classes and instructors in your area.

Image: NFGphoto

