How to Build Your Online Resume

Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2015

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An online resume is an excellent way to get your resume in front of a number of directors, and can open up a number of career opportunities.

An online resume is an excellent way to get your resume in front of a number of directors, and can open up a number of career opportunities.[/caption]

Building your resume is important –especially if you are looking to advance your career.

An online resume is a great way to increase the reach of your resume –and can open up more opportunities than directly sending out paper resumes one at a time. Whether it’s hosted on your website –or on a career building and networking site like LinkedIn, listing your experience, achievements, and objectives online is a great way to get noticed. Having your resume online also makes it easy to send the link out as needed when responding to openings.

Regardless of if you are applying for a position as a professional dancer, choreographer, or instructor –a well-built and thought out resume can make all the difference. If this is your first resume, it may look sparse at first, but that’s ok. We all have to start somewhere –once you get started you may find that you have more to include than you initially thought.

Here are some important details that you should include on your online resume that will help you to stand out from the crowd.


Your objective is a brief sentence or two at the top of your resume that highlights your career goals. This allows prospective employers, or directors, to see what you are working towards –giving them a better idea about whether you’re a good fit for the position.


When it comes to listing education you should list the highest level of education that you have completed. For instance, if you have completed high school –list that. But if you have gone to college, forgo listing high school and instead just list the college degree. Be sure to include institutions that you have received training in, and specific techniques that you’ve studied.

Career Highlights

Your career highlights should include your very best achievements to date. This is a collection of your best moments, accomplishments –things that you’re most proud of. Showcase your crowning accomplishments in order of importance –they don’t have to be in chronological order. This allows prospective employers to see –at a glance, some of your finest work. No need to worry about it getting pushed down to the bottom of the page.


List your previous dance roles, as well as the companies you’ve worked for –or directors you’ve worked with. Experience can also include times that you’ve assisted, or lent a hand –regardless of if these experiences were volunteer positions at a home studio –just be sure to be specific and mention the extent of your experience, whether volunteer or paid. Every relevant experience counts, and should be included on your resume, at least until you can build it up.


When building your resume, be sure to include a section that lists performances that you have been a part of. Include the production names, your role, and the months that you performed. Try to include all the performances you have been in, including any that you were in when you were younger.

When creating your resume, make sure you’re specific rather than vague. If you have a certain skill or trademark that helps to set you apart, don’t hesitate to include it. Don’t leave something out because you consider it to be inferior –your unique combination of skills all combine to make you into the dancer you are today. Your resume is your chance to shine, so don’t hesitate to showcase your skills and abilities.

Soon you’ll be your way to building a resume that is sure to get noticed!

Have you started an online resume? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Image: Michael Kappel

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