How to Develop Your Ideal Body as a Dancer

Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2015
For a dancer, a strong, athletic and toned body can help you to perform at your best.
For a dancer, a strong, athletic and toned body can help you to perform at your best.

As a dancer, staying in shape and keeping healthy is important.

Keeping fit and having a strong physique can help you to dance at your best, and will also help you to avoid a number of common injuries that are often caused by fatigue.

But as you know, developing a dancer’s body isn’t something that comes overnight without any hard work or effort. It’s no accident that the best dancers have strong and lean bodies. The good news is that you too can develop strength and flexibility in your muscles, improving your endurance and dance technique at the same time.

To help you develop a strong, lean, and healthy body, here are some practical tips for you to put into practice.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is the first step towards health. A well-balanced diet should include a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats. Getting this balance right will help you maintain energy without storing extra fat. It’s also important to include foods that are packed with vitamins and nutrients –like fresh vegetables and fruit, and lean sources of protein, to give you nutrients that you need to fuel your body and keep your metabolism up. Finally, be sure to hydrate by drinking plenty of water –it’ll help to prevent fatigue and improve mental clarity.

Develop a Workout Plan

Having a plan is an important part of getting –and staying in shape. Creating a workout plan is essential for getting your body into top form. While dancing is a great form of exercise in and of itself, it’s a good idea to have supplement with a different routine –something that requires muscles other than the ones that you’re primarily using during dancing. It’s also a good idea to use interval training –a great way to increase your fitness while improving your endurance.

Some great workout routines for dancers include:

  • Pilates — Pilates is a great way to improve flexibility and is ideal for creating long and lean muscles. Pilates can also help strengthen your core –which is important for dancers.
  • Strength Training — Strength training is a great way to build a strong, healthy body. Using light weights with a high number of repetitions can help to keep your muscles lean.
  • Swim — Swimming is another favorite for dancers –especially those who are dancing on a regular basis. Swimming is a gentle, low-impact exercise that gives your joints a break while still working out your muscles.

Attend Classes

It’s important to keep dancing –even if you don’t have any upcoming performances. To help keep yourself in top form, make sure you keep going to dance class. Dancing is a complete workout that involves a lot of your muscles. It will help you to stay in shape and at the top of your form. Dance classes will also help you to improve your technique and flexibility.

Listen to Your Body

Finally, listen to your body. If you are experiencing pain or exhaustion, it can be tempting to push through –but it’s important to know when to rest. Pain is your body’s way of telling you to take a break. Ignoring an injury will often cause your body more harm than good, and can result in long-term injuries. So give your body a chance to rest, and take a break if you feel pain or discomfort.

While maintaining a strong and toned body can be a lot of work, being in top form will help you to be the best dancer that you can be. It will also improve your endurance, helping to reduce your chances of sustaining an injury that’s caused by fatigue. So keep on dancing, and find workouts that you find fun to compliment those adult ballet classes. Remember: you’ll be more motivated to stick with something if you enjoy doing it.

Here’s to your success as a dancer!

To see dance classes, studios, and instructors in your area –visit Dance Hub today.

Image: Aktiv I

