How To Get Your Dance Classes Fully Booked

Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2015

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Social Media

Social media is an excellent way for companies to get the word out about their products and services.[/caption]

A good social media account does more than just enable a company to shamelessly promote themselves; a social media account can help you to engage with your audience, find out what they want, and even help you to win some new customers.

Having followers on social media can open the door to a whole new world of marketing potential. A social media account is a great channel for a two-sided conversation, and one of the best ways to get the word about your company and what you have to offer.

Let’s take a look at how you can use social media as an effective tool, that can help you to get your dance classes booked.

Build a Following

In order to promote your classes on social media, you’re going to need an audience. Here’s how you can start building a following.

  • Give People a Reason to Like You
    Seventy-nine percent of Facebook users have liked a business page for incentives or discounts. Offering discounts and running promotional giveaways can help you to gain followers.
  • Promote Yourself In Person
    It’s often said that it costs five times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Don’t be afraid to tell your students about your social media accounts. In-person promotion can be a great way to get the word out, increase your followers, and keep your students up-to-date on specials, promotions, and class sign-up deadlines.
  • Include Follow Buttons
    You may also want to include social media share and follow buttons on your website or blog. The best way to get social media followers is by making it easy for people to follow you. You could also include a call to action at the end of your blog posts asking people to follow you.

Post Regular Updates

Once you have followers, it’s important to keep them! Keep your social media accounts updated regularly with content that is informative, relevant, and interesting. Post photos, short, interesting tidbits related to dance, as well as updates on upcoming dance classes. While consistency is important, quality is more important than quantity. Try to think through your audience’s perspective and post things that they would actually be interested in.

Be Responsive

One of the biggest mistakes that companies make on social media is failing to respond to customer comments. Unlike most marketing methods, social media is a conversation platform that gives you the opportunity to engage with your customers. If someone asks a question, voices a concern, or simply leaves a comment, try to respond within a certain time frame. Don’t make it a one-sided conversation.

Offer Incentives

Finally, consider running special offers on social media. Offering limited time offers, like “a friend goes free” or “two for one” promotions, can encourage people to try your dance classes. You could also try offering discounts to encourage sign-ups. Offering giveaways is another great way to get followers.

In short, it’s important to try to grow your social media followers. The more followers you have, the more people you’ll be able to reach with your message.

Posting relevant information and taking care to ensure that you respond to customer comments and queries can go a long way towards helping you to build a following. Keeping your followers up-to-date on specials, events, and offers will encourage them to sign up, and help you to fill your dance classes.

How do you grow your social media following? Share with us in the comments.

Image: Brantley Davidson

For more information on dance lessons or to get involved with a dance studio in your area visit DanceHub. Discover dance studios, dance instructors, and dance classes near you.

