Safety on the Dance Floor and Social Dance Scene

Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2017

For most, dancing is something that brings a lot of enjoyment.

Learning new moves, getting out of your comfort zone, building endurance –and seeing all of your hard work pay off can be exciting –and rewarding. Dancing is an ideal form of exercise –a great social activity, and an excellent outlet for stress and tension.

But while dance studios can be great places to learn the moves –once you leave the studio –and head for the social dance scene –it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. While by and large most of the time dancing in social settings will be fine, there’s always the chance that something could go wrong.

With this in mind, here’s a look at some things that you can do to help stay in control of the situation when you’re out. It’s also important to look out for others, and watch out for potentially dangerous situations. Here’s how you can help make the world a little bit safer.

Draw the Line
First, never let anyone pressure you into doing anything that you’re not comfortable with –draw a line for yourself that you are not willing to cross. If you feel pressured into anything –no matter how small it might seem, it’s important to go with your instinct. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable –let the staff know so that they can take steps to ensure your safety.

Go With a Friend
Going with a friend is always a great idea. Not only is dancing so much more enjoyable when you’re with someone that you know; it’s also a good safety measure as well. Your companion will have your back, and you’ll have theirs as well. Bringing a friend will give you someone to talk to and laugh with, and you could always dance with them if there is no one that you feel comfortable dancing with. Bringing a friend makes the experience more enjoyable and can help prevent things from going from fun –to dangerous.

Be Aware
Regardless of where you are, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. This is especially important when you’re out on the town late at night. Often when dancing, it’s easy to get caught up in the social scene –but it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings, and to pay attention to what’s happening around you. Never set your drink down –and leave your valuables at home. Along the same lines of thinking, remember that drinking too much can put you in a vulnerable position, and you want to remain in control of your situation when you’re out. Of course, this in no way excuses anyone’s behavior toward you –but it is a good protective measure that you can take nonetheless.

Alert the Staff
If you notice anything suspicious, or if someone makes you feel uncomfortable for any reason –either because of inappropriate actions or comments, it’s important to alert the staff to the situation. Similarly, if you notice someone who looks like they could be in trouble, inform the staff as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to speak up. You can help to turn a potentially dangerous situation around.

Finally, remember: assault is a real problem –and it’s something that needs to be addressed. Far too many people feel that it’s okay to make inappropriate comments, and think that it’s acceptable to cross the line even though they have been told not to, or if the other party is inebriated. This type of thinking, however, needs to stop. From nightclubs –to everyday conversations, don’t be a passive bystander –stand up for what is right. Speak up when someone tells an offensive joke or trivializes rape, and take action when you see things that are wrong.

Doing this could make a difference –perhaps more than you might ever know.

What do you think should be done to combat the issue of victim blaming and rape culture?

Image: Studio Roosegaarde

