Two Left Feet? The Art of Dancing Is Strictly in the Mind

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4 min readJul 11, 2016
Dancing, in many ways, is a case of mind over matter.
Dancing, in many ways, is a case of mind over matter.

Maybe you first became interested in dance when you watched an episode of Dancing With the Stars, or maybe journey to dance began when a friend asked if you wanted to take a dance class together. Maybe you’ve been dancing since you were a child.

No matter how you came to dance, though, there’s one thing that’s certain: dancing is an art that many are passionate about. While our reasons vary, the underlying drive to dance is something that every dancer has. So if you feel like dancing ballet don’t be afraid to google “adult ballet classes near me”, it’s never two late to get those feet dancing.

If you’re like most people though, your first dance lesson, may have been a disappointment. For many new dancers, their first lesson is where they realized that they have two left feet. Not literally, of course, but if your feet seem to dance to a different tune than the one playing through the speakers, then you know what we’re talking about.

Hopefully, though, you didn’t just give up! Dancing is an art that can be mastered –and with practice, your feet will soon learn to keep up. If you have found yourself struggling dance floor, it could just be that you need some inspiration, practice, and confidence. In many ways, dancing begins in the mind. How you view the art of dance, and how you see yourself will significantly impact your ability.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at a few things that you can do to improve your dance skills –and get you dancing like you mean it!

Choose a Dance Style

There are a wide variety of dance styles for you to choose from. From the energetic and modern hip-hop to the exotic salsa, tango, and rumba, to waltz, tap, foxtrot, breakdancing, and even ballet. If you find one that isn’t working for you –then don’t force it, and don’t give up on the idea of dance altogether. Just as we all have different preferences and personalities, there are many different types of dance to choose from, and you’re certain to find something that’s a great match for you. If you’re struggling with a dance, and not enjoying yourself, consider choosing a different style –and see how you perform.

Become Familiar With the Music

Once you find a style of dance that appeals to you, you should then work on familiarizing yourself with the music that accompanies it. Listen to the music and pay attention to the patterns, or tempo. Listening to the music that accompanies your dance style is a great way to get used to the music.

Learn to Count

One of the best ways to help combat two left feet is learning to count to the beat of the song. Every song has a beat –whether it’s fast or slow, and before you can train your feet to move to the beat, you must determine what it is, and learn to count in time with it. If you find this difficult, try clapping to the beat –it’ll help.

Learn the Moves

While this may sound basic –mastering the moves is an important part of learning to dance. There are many different ways that you can learn, and practice your moves –including private dance lessons, online videos, and group classes. Take your time and practice the moves –over and over until you have them perfected. While it may seem repetitive, this is the best way to train your mind to remember the moves, and eventually, your feet will follow. If you are having difficulty performing a specific move, slow down and perform it as slowly as possible –then gradually increase the speed until you have it down.

Let Loose

Finally, it’s important that you take some time to let loose and just dance. Dance like no one is watching –get carried away and just move to the music. Don’t worry about how silly you may look or if you are getting it right –this technique will help you to warm up and get used to the music. This is your time to have fun and bust out all those moves you have been waiting to try. Go ahead, we won’t tell anyone!

While learning to dance can be a challenge, especially if you feel that you have two left feet –the important thing is to find a dance that you love –one that you’re passionate about. This will make it easier for you to commit to working on the moves, and will make dancing an enjoyable experience that you’ll look forward to. Don’t give up –believe that you can do it. It is possible, and will be rewarding.

Serious about dance? Looking to improve your dance skills? Visit Dance Hub to see dance classes and instructors in your area.

Image: Peter Voerman

